
The 5th National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Russian Universities was held on Thursday, 23 September 2021 local Moscow time through virtual meeting via Zoom. Held by RUDN University, Moscow, Russia, the event was opened by Prof. Vladimir Filippov (President of RUDN University), Prof. Elena Savenkova (Director of the Institute of Environmental Engineering of RUDN University), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. (Chairperson of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings). Both parties hoped that UI GreenMetric would be able to achieve a world that will adhere to environmental, economic and social issues better for the younger generation. The event was joined by 42 participants from 16 universities (RUDN University, RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva, Tomsk State University, Bashkir State Agrarian University, State University of Land Use Planning, Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen State University, Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies, Volgograd State University, North Ossetian State University, Far Eastern Federal University, Sankt-Petersburg State University, Belarus State University of Technologies, Abai State Kazakh Pedagogical University, International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University, and “Nerush”, Environmental and local study public association) Russia and featured 14 key speakers consisting of presidents, directors, and students from participating universities. Dr. Margarita Redina (Russian National Coordinator of UIGWURN and Professor of the Department of Environmental Safety and Product Quality Management of RUDN University). The webinar was divided into three sessions. In the first session, Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, M.T., M.Sc. (Expert Member of Data, System, and IT of UI GreenMetric) introduced UI GreenMetric, the indicators of UI GreenMetric and the data submission process. With this introduction, it is hoped that more universities across Russia will be interested in joining UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. The UIGWURN introduction was followed by Dr. Margarita Redina (Russian National Coordinator of UIGWURN)’s update on the information of UI GreenMetric Russian National Network. It was continued with a group photo session and the signing of the declaration of membership of UI GreenMetric Network for Abai Kazakh Pedagogical University, Russian State Agrarian University, and Industrial University of Tyumen. Session 2 discussed Managing Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste in Russian Universities. The first speaker, Dr. Ivan I. Vasanev (Head of Department of Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy) showed how the campus of the RSAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva as the model of sustainable development of urban ecosystems in the Moscow metropolis. This presentation was then continued by Dr. Nadya Strigelskaya (Head of Ecological Education of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusan State University, Belarus), showing the experience International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University obtained when entering UI GreenMetric World University Ranking in 2020. The third speaker, Dr. Valentina Chekantseva (Head of the Environmental and Radiation Control Sector of the Cleaning and Landscaping Department of the Far Eastern Federal University) explained the environmental policies done by the Far Eastern Federal University to achieve environmental sustainability. The third session discussed Managing Water, Transportation, and Education in Russian Universities with three presentations. The first presentation about youth eco-initiatives at higher education institutions in the case of Volgograd State University was presented by Assistant Professors Anna Matveeva, Elizaveta Slaykovskaya, Anastasia Murtazina, Lyubov Meshcheryakova of Volgograd State University. This presentation was then continued with a presentation from Prof. Dr. ped. Dmitry Ermakov, Sci. and PhD student Lyudmila Sokolova (Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of RUDN University), which discussed the brief report on preliminary results of the Education for Sustainable Development in Action project. The third session was then closed with the presentation from Yulia D. Yurova (Assistant Professor of State University of Land Use Planning) about the experience of the State University of Land Use Planning upon participating in the UI GreenMetric rating for the development of a system of indicators for monitoring environmentally sustainable development in the Moscow region. The event, which lasted for about three and a half hours, was then closed by the remarks of Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. as the Chairman of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and Dr. Margarita Redina, as the Russian National Coordinator of UIGWURN, thanking the participants for joining the virtual meeting and wishing success upon this year’s UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.

The Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Eastern Indonesia Region 2021 hosted by Universitas Papua was held on Tuesday, 28 September 2021 at 10.00 A.M. (local time) through online/virtual meeting. Chairman of Environmental Research Center Universitas Papua, Dr. Aplena E. S. Bless, SP., M.Sc. as the host of this activity opened this workshop. This is followed by remarks from Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si (Rector of Universitas Papua), Asst. Prof. Junaidi, M.A. (Vice-Chair of Program, Communication and Partnership UI GreenMetric), and Prof. Charlie Heatubon (Chairman of Regional Research and Development Institutions for West Papua Province). It is hoped that UI GreenMetric will become a platform for cooperation and collaboration between universities both on a national and international scale. This workshop will be divided into three sessions with seven speakers from several universities in Eastern Indonesia. Figure 1. Opening by Dr. Aplena E. S. Bless, SP., M.Sc (top-left) and remarks from Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si (top-right), Asst. Prof. Junaidi, M.A. (bottom-left) dan Prof. Charlie Heatubon (bottom-right)   The first session, which was moderated by Dr. Irnanda Aiko Fifi Djuuna, M.Sc (Vice-Rector IV Universitas Papua) and Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T., M.T., M. Agr. (Vice-Chair  of Administration, Research and Development, UI GreenMetric) as a speaker explaining about UI GreenMetric, indicators and questionnaires on UI GreenMetric, addition of new indicators that adapt to the pandemic conditions and remind the participating universities regarding deadline of the data submission. At the end of the session, participants can directly ask questions to the speakers.   Figure 2. Session 1  “UI GreenMetric” moderated by Dr. Irnanda Aiko Fifi Djuuna, M.Sc (left) and speaker Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T., M.T., M.Agr. (right)   The second session with the theme “Management of Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste” was moderated by Dr. Obadja Fenetiruma, SP, M.Si (Dean Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Papua) with three key speakers. The first speaker, Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si (Rector of Universitas Papua) talked about management of setting and infrastructure at Universitas Papua where there are four principles used, sticking to the PIP section "Agriculture and Conservation of Natural Resources", prioritizing green open spaces or vegetation, environmentally friendly concepts and conduct partnerships with local governments & development partners. The second speaker, Prof. Dr. M.J. Saptenno, S.H, M.Hum (Rector of Universitas Pattimura) presented that in order to manage energy and climate change, Universitas Pattimura has used solar cells as streetlights in the campus area and LED in every room. The second session continued with the third speaker, Dr. Ridwan, S.T., M.Si (Dean Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bosowa) explained that waste management in Makassar there is a Makassar Memilah Sampah (Makassar Sorting Waste) program. The core of the program is identifying household waste, sorting organic and inorganic waste and processing this waste, such as compost from organic waste. At the end of the session, participants can directly ask questions to the speakers. Figure 3. Session 2  “Management of Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste” moderated by Dr. Obadja Fenetiruma, SP, M.Si (top-left) and speakers:  Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si (top-right), Dr. Ridwan, S.T., M.Si (bottom-left) dan Prof. Dr. M.J. Saptenno, S.H, M.Hum (bottom-right)   The workshop then continued to Session 3 with the theme “Management of Water, Transportation, Education and Research" moderated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso, M.P. (Chairman of Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Papua). The first speaker, Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo S Gerung, M.Sc (Vice-Rector of Academic, Universitas Sam Ratulangi) explained about mitigation at Universitas Sam Ratulangi in rainwater management, including Rainwater-Harvesting, Eco-Drainage (Biopori) and artificial lakes or ponds. The second speaker, Prof.Dr. Muhammad Zamrun Firihu., S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc (Rector of Universitas Halu Oleo) presented transportation management in the campus area by limiting the use of cars, reducing parking areas and adding areas for pedestrians in the campus area . The last presentation in session 3 was conducted by Drs. H. M. Nasir.S., M.Pd (Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-Pare) talked about management of education and research at Universitas Muhammadiyah Pare-Pare, especially in the environmental field and the challenges of education in the 4.0 era that utilizes digital technology in the learning process. Figure 4. Session 3 “Management of Water, Transportation, Education and Research” moderated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Santoso, M.P. (top-left) and speakers : Prof. Dr. Ir. Grevo S Gerung, M.Sc (top-right), Drs. H. M. Nasir.S., M.Pd (bottom-left) dan Prof.Dr. Muhammad Zamrun Firihu., S.Si., M.Si., M.Sc (bottom-right)   After approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes, the workshop was closed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., (Chairman of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings) and Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si. The UI GreenMetric World University Rankings also welcomed Universitas Manado as the host for next year’s workshop. By holding this workshop, it is hoped that universities will actively participate in creating a clean and/or environmentally friendly campus that has sustainability vision. Figure 5. Closing and Remarks from Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc.,(left) and Dr. Meky Sagrim, SP, M.Si (right)

The 2nd National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Universities in Ecuador was held on Thursday, 23 September 2021 at 9:00 AM local time via Zoom. Hosted by Universidad Hemisferios of Ecuador, the webinar was opened by Diego Alejandro Jaramillo, PhD (Rector of Universidad Hemisferios), Mr. Agung Kurniadi (Indonesian Ambassador to Ecuador), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. (Chairperson of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings). The opening remarks from all parties welcomed more universities to join UI GreenMetric World University Rankings as a part of the action to achieve a sustainable environment and education. The event was divided into two sessions and featured five key speakers. It was joined by 39 participants from universities across Ecuador and the personals from the Embassy of Indonesia in Quito, Ecuador. Mr. Daniel Barragán of Universidad Hemisferios became the moderator of this event.   The first session started with the introduction of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings by Asst. Prof. Junaidi, M.A. (Vice-Chair of Program, Communication, and Partnership), as well as explaining the indicators on which universities were based on and reminding the participating universities about the deadline of the proposal submission. It was then followed by the information on the national network of UI GreenMetric in Ecuador, presented by Mr. Pablo Vanegas Peralta, PhD (Vice-Rector of the Research and Post-Graduate Program of Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo) on behalf of Mr. Byron Vaca B., PhD (Rector of the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo) who was unable to be present on the webinar. Participants asked questions at the end of the session directed towards UI GreenMetric, and it was then continued with the signing of the declaration of membership to the UIGWURN and the taking of group photo.   The second session of the workshop discussed the practices of sustainability in universities across Ecuador with three key speakers. The first speaker, Ms. Andrea Estefanía Jaramillo Duque, M.Sc (Coordinator of the School of Environmental Management of the Universidad Internacional del Ecuador), talked about the practice of sustainability in the campuses of UIDE, such as waste management that mirrors the spirit of SDGs. Followed by the second speaker, Prof. Paulina Criollo (Director of Sustainability of Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral) presented the initiatives regarding sustainability that have been done before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the third speaker, Prof. Mariuxi Alvarado (International Relations of Universidad Ecotec), explained the change of energy matrix in ECOTEC, one of them being organic garden and science park in which the general public can learn about science freely.   After approximately one hour and forty minutes, the webinar was closed by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., Asst. Prof. Junaidi M.A., and Mr. Pablo Vanegas Peralta, PhD. The UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network in Ecuador also welcomed other universities in Ecuador to become the host for next year’s national workshop. It is hoped that more universities will join the network and work together to achieve sustainable campuses for a sustainable future.  

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings successfully held The 7th International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2021) in collaboration with the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) on 25-26 August 2021. Due to the ongoing global outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) and the concerns that the event could help spread coronavirus, this event was held online via Zoom Meeting and UI GreenMetric YouTube Channel. The workshop was an academic forum for Rectors, Vice Rectors, and Directors of Sustainability and Facilities, of UI GreenMetric participants. These universities had demonstrated a lot of development in achieving best positions in each category at the UI GreenMetric Rankings. The workshop was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., Chairperson of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and Prof. Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Bin Sulaiman, Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Putra Malaysia, as host of this event. There also a greeting from YGhg. Dato’Seri Ir. Dr. Zaini Bin Ujang, Secretary General, Ministry of Environment and Water, Malaysia to welcome all participants who attended the workshop. This forum aimed at providing an opportunity for the top leaders of participating universities to show case their university’s excellence in sustainability and Green Campus. This event provided opportunities for developing network and collaboration on sustainability management among global university. Figure. Prof. Riri Fitri Sari Figure. Vice Chancellor of UPM - Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Bin Sulaiman This year there were 50 invited speakers for parallel sessions and 19 participants for poster session (from 50 Universities from 30 Countries), which shared their best practices in respective universities. The time difference among different locations could be accommodated, and after the event in the main room for keynote speeches, all participants could join the zoom meetings in parallel sessions and interact with the speakers, after watching their prepared videos. The videos of the IWGM 2021 could be found at Figure. Participants of he 7th International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2021)   This conference attracted active participation from many high rank officials from many universities. In total, we have 882 registered participants from 443 universities of 56 countries such as: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zimbabwe on the list. The large number of participants indicated that ranking has been internationally recognized as an important and popular tool for improving sustainability standard of universities. We thank all participants and all stakeholders for making this International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2021 a fruitful and memorable event. Meanwhile, the 8th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric University Rankings next year will be held, hopefully the pandemic is over and it can be no longer virtual, at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology in Pingtung, Taiwan. At the end of this 7th international workshop, the President of NPUST himself, Mr. Chang-Hsien Tai gave a presentation on their readiness to host the next international workshop, by showing a profile video from NPUST and a tourism video from Pingtung Town itself which presents a lot of interesting things that will surely make the next year's participants and speakers are excited to participate and come to Pingtung. Hopefully this COVID-19 pandemic will end soon and next year the international mobilization journey between countries can return to normal. See you in the next IWGM 2022 in NPUST, Taiwan.

UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network (UIGWURN) UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (UIGM) in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) successfully held the 5th Steering Committee (Virtual) Meeting on August 24, 2021. This event was the opening of a series of events the 7th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric University Rankings that was co-organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia which was held on the 25- 26 August 2021 via Zoom Apps due to global pandemic of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). This meeting was the fifth meeting of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network with the attendance of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Secretariat, and national coordinators from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Poland, Russia, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss activities in each country, agree on 2021 activities and other matters related to the network.   With the participation of national coordinators, this meeting opened the floor to important questions related to the roles of universities in global sustainability issues and aims to encourage universities worldwide to collaborate and learn from each other in dealing with sustainability issues during Covid-19 pandemic.   The event was started with a Safety Induction video which was made especially for the participants to know the best ways to participate in the discussion session so that they always feel safe and comfortable even though they are at home due to the pandemic situation. The event continued with remarks from the Vice-Chancellor of Putra Malaysia University, Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Bin Sulaiman and remarks from the Head of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. After the remarks, the activity continued with the Adoption of the Minutes session of The 4th Steering Committee (Virtual) Meeting in Tehran, Iran on 13 October 2020 The next session was a discussion session about future activities of UIGWURN, namely, Shaping Global Higher Education and Research in Sustainability, Creating Global Sustainability Leaders and Partnering on Solutions to Sustainability Challenges. The event was then closed, We thank all participants and all stakeholders for making this Steering Committee (Virtual) Meeting on UI GreenMetric 2021 a fruitful and memorable event.

The National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Universities in Indonesia 2021 hosted by Universitas Sebelas Maret was held for 2 days, 28-29 July 2021 through online (Virtual meeting) due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic situation in Indonesia. Even so, the online event run well started with a javanese music performance. More than 359 Indonesian UI Greenmetric Network activist enthusiastically joined the event. The first day (July 28, 2021) was the advisory board meeting which is only for invited participants. This meeting was chaired by The National Coordinator of UI GWURN Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc (Vice Rector IV Universitas Diponegoro). The result of the meeting was to discuss the organisation for various events and projects to be implemented next year based on the three thematic priorities UIGWURN such as "SHAPING Global Higher education and Research in Sustainability", CREATING Global Sustainability Leaders" and "PARTNERING on Solutions to Sustainability Challenges”. Figure. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc (Vice Rector IV Universitas Diponegoro)   In the second day (July 29, 2021), the Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, as the host of this activity opened this event. This is followed by remarks from the chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M and also a keynote speech by Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU., as the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI). Figure. Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret   Figure. Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU., Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI)   The 19 speakers were presented to enliven the workshop, which was held from 09.00 to 12.30 WIB. The speakers included Prof. Dr. Ir. Winardi D. Monoarfa, M.S (Advisor to the Minister of Forestry and Environment /KLHK RI), Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T., M.T., M.Agr (Vice Head of Administration, Research and Development of UI GreenMetric), Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc (National Coordinator UI GWURN Indonesia), Dr. Aceng Hidayat, M.T (Secretary of Bogor Agricultural University/IPB), Prof. Dr. AH. Rofi'uddin, M.Pd (Rector of State University of Malang/UM), Prof. Drs. Ganefri, M.Pd., Ph.D (Rector of Padang State University/UNP), Prof. Dr. Amany Lubis, Lc., M.A (Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M.Eng (Rector of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology/ITS), Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng (Director of Planning at Gadjah Mada University/UGM), Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum (Rector of Sebelas Maret University/UNS), Prof. Dr. Ir. Amin Retnoningsih, M.Sc (Head of UPT Conservation Development Semarang State University/UNNES), Prof. Ojat, Darojat, M.Bus., Ph.D (Rector of the Terbuka University/UT), Dr. Bambang Hariadi, M.Pd (Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at Dinamika University), Prof. Wimpy Santosa, Ph.D (Transportation Expert at Parahyangan Catholic University), Prof. Dr. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc (Dean of the Graduate School of Hasanuddin University/UNHAS). The event was then divided into 3 paralel sessions. Subsequently in the last 2 sessions participants were divided into 2 groups (Room A and Room B). The first session took place at 09.35 and discussed about UI GreenMetric updates, especially about systems and assessments that took place during the pandemic, as well as future challenges for world campuses in the new normal era. Figure. Speakers of Parallel Session 2A   Figure. Speakers of Parallel Session 3A The second session, which took place at 10.20 am discussed the theme "Management of Infrastructure and Management, Energy and Climate Change, Waste" with 3 speakers in each available room. The third session or the last session took place at 11.20 discussed the “Water Management, Transportation, Education and Research” theme. Figure. Speakers of Parallel Session 2B   Figure. Speakers of Parallel Session 3B Finally, the event which lasted for almost 5 hours was closed with a invitation remarks from the Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A who will host the “Indonesian National Workshop of UI GreenMetric” in 2022. Figure. Dr. Ninok Leksono, M.A, Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara  

Sejak 2019 -2020, pengukuran kualitas air laut dengan menggunakan UI Bluemetric telah dilakukan di tiga lokasi yang berbeda, yaitu Pantai Carita, Pandeglang, Banten; Pantai Ancol, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta dan; Pantai Bahagia, Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Pengukuran untuk kriteria kualitas air laut dilakukan dengan pengujian sampel di laboratorium yang hasilnya dikonversi menjadi nilai sederhana dengan metode UI BlueMetric. 3 kriteria lainnya, yaitu biodiversitas, sampah dan aktivitas dilakukan dengan penilaian hasil pengamatan dan pengisian kuesioner sesuai pengamatan dan hasil wawancara. Kegiatan dan diskusi tim UI BlueMetric di Bulan Desember 2020 dan Mei 2021 tentang kondisi yang dialami para nelayan di Desa Pantai Bahagia dalam rangka kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat di kecamatan Muara Gembong Bekasi yang merupakan muara dari sungai Citarum, juga menghasilkan hasil pengukuran dan catatan kondisi pesisir pantai. Muara sungai Citarum ini, perlu mendapat perhatian berbagai pihak, sebagai peringatan tentang terjadinya perubahan iklim. Kondisi 5 tahun terakhir cukup memprihatinkan mengingat makin dalamnya abrasi kawasan pantai, berkurangnya populasi biodiversitas seperti Lutung Jawa dan burung Kuntul yang hidup didaerah rawa muara dan berkurangnya populasi hutan mangrove. Kualitas air laut di Pantai Bahagia Muara Gembong memiliki nilai 2925 atau 70% dari nilai maksimum UI BlueMettic. Nilai ini termasuk yang terendah dibanding kualitas pesisir di Pantai Carita Banten atau pantai ancol di utara Jakarta. Hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian agar kesadaran masyarakat dan implementasi teknologi dan pengolahan sampah dari hulu ke hilir dapat dilakukan untuk mewujudkan laut kembali biru bersih. Hasil temuan ini juga telah dipresentasikan pada 25 Maret 2021 oleh Tim UI BlueMetric yang diketuai Prof Riri Fitri Sari dari FTUI, yang mempresentasikan hasil evaluasi UI BlueMetric pada Virtual Meeting antara Tim Universitas Indonesia and DTU Denmark mengenai Potensi Kerjasama Riset di Bidang Maritim. Pertemuan ini dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari DTU dan Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (KBRI) untuk Denmark.

The world of higher education is changing in profound ways and not only in the wake of the COVID-19-related health crisis that is accelerating the digital transition of Higher Education. It is also faced with the challenge of responding to the urgency of climate change and more broadly to the need for learners to develop new and highly specific skills to move towards reaching the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. As such, this silent revolution is underway in higher education institutions worldwide. These fundamental trends are changing not only what should be taught, but also how best to teach it. From the wide range of changes such as active learning, inclusive pedagogies, online and hybrid courses, and green skills, institutions are building on their core strengths while challenging long-held assumptions about how teaching and learning take place. We believe it is important to reflect and exchange on the experiences and challenges that we all face in the volatile international context of Higher Education. This goal of this symposium is to identify ways of ensuring that our students receive the highest possible quality learning experiences. Experts from industry and academia from all over the world will share their experiences and discuss the latest innovations in disruptive learning pathways for fostering success in education. The symposium provides the perfect platform for discussing possible educational challenges and ways to overcome them. We would like to invite you to use this opportunity to share your current experience - and to learn from elsewhere - on how to better serve all generations of students with the latest trends (and controversies) in learning pathways. To do this, we are focusing on the themes of: 1. Smart & Green Campuses 2. Digital technologies & Artificial Intelligence 3. Comodal / Hyflex Teaching and the shift to video-based teaching 4. Change Management in Higher Education INSEEC U, as the national coordinator of the UI GreenMetric international ranking of higher education institutions most committed to Sustainable Development, is co-organizing this international symposium with the University of Indonesia (as the creator of this global ranking) with the third edition of the ‘National Workshop on UI GreenMetrics in France’. Special thanks go to Professor Riri Fitri Sari, President of the UI GreenMetric, as co-partner of this event and for his commitment to Sustainable Development, especially with regard to the environmental dimension, in universities around the world and especially in France. You can watch this event here - Kerja sama antara Pemerintah Norwegia dan Indonesia di bidang lingkungan baru-baru ini dinilai berhasil. Kerja sama tersebut merupakan program REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). Oleh karena keberhasilannya itu, Pemerintah Norwegia akan membayar hasil kerja penurunan emisi karbon dioksida yang berhasil dilakukan Indonesia. Dilansir, Senin (6/7/2020), jumlah penurunan emisi yang berhasil dicapai Indonesia pada 2016-2017 adalah 11,2 juta ton CO2eq. Sementara harga pasar karbon dunia saat ini sebesar 5 dollar AS (setara Rp 72.617) per ton. Dengan demikian, nilai yang akan dibayarkan kepada pemerintah Indonesia sebesar 56 juta dollar AS atau setara dengan Rp 813,3 miliar. Benarkah emisi karbon di Indonesia turun? Chairman UI GreenMetric Prof Riri Fitri Sari mengungkapkan dirinya sempat ragu saat mendengar program REDD+ akan diluncurkan pada awal 2010 silam. Dirinya khawatir semangat pemerintah dalam "jual-beli" emisi karbon hanya di awal saja. Akan tetapi mengetahui ada penurunan emisi di 2016-2017 pihaknya merasa ikut senang. "Kalau akhirnya memang akan dibayarkan, kita cukup surprise bahwa ini bukan hanya janji semata. Berarti Norwegia benar-benar walk the talk dengan program yang diberkelanjutan selama 10 tahun terakhir," ujarnya pada, baru-baru ini. Mempertahankan hutan Kebakaran hutan Cagar Alam Papandayan, Minggu (6/10/2019) (KOMPAS.COM/ARI MAULANA KARANG) Riri menjelaskan, program itu berkaitan dengan hubungan diplomatik antara kedua negara yang baik. Itu ditandai dengan 10 tahun kemitraan dalam kerangka kerja sama REDD+, dan terbukti 2016-2017 dianggap berhasil baik menurunkan emisi. Dia menjelaskan, dalam hal ini perhitungan bukan tentang pengurangan emisi atau polusi di kota-kota besar. Tapi mempertahankan hutan sebagai paru-paru dunia penyerap karbon. Lanjutnya, sesuai judul program, yang dihitung penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca dari deforestasi dan degradasi hutan dengan hilangnya lahan gambut. "Artinya dalam kurun 2016-2017 deforestasi dan degradasi hutan serta lahan gambut tidak banyak terjadi. Tentunya perhitungan masih terbatas pada wilayah percontohan yang diikutsertakan saja," ujar guru besar UI itu. Lanjutnya, mengurangi emisi tersebut dapat dengan dibatasinya penebangan liar, pembakaran, alih fungsi lahan, kebakaran lahan gambut, dan sebagainya. Dihubungi terpisah, Wakil ketua dari UI GreenMetric Dr Nyoman Suwartha menambahkan, perlu terus dipastikan bahwa tidak ada lagi penebangan liar atau pembakaran, terutama di daerah yang sudah menjadi wilayah percontohan. Menurutnya, program itu perlu dikembangkan ke wilayah lain. "Tentunya emisi dari sektor lain seperti transportasi, energi, persampahan, industri, dan lainnya tetap harus dijaga sesuai target penurunan kurang lebih 20 persen yang dicanangkan pemerintah, dengan usaha sendiri," katanya kepada, Kamis (9/7/2020). Penulis : Nur Fitriatus Shalihah Editor : Sari Hardiyanto

UI GreenMetric International Webinar Series 1 “Sustainable University and Food Sufficiency during Covid-19 Pandemic” date: Tuesday, 19 May 2020 time: 6.30 – 8.30 PM (Jakarta Time, GMT+7) application: Zoom Cloud Meeting (for 100 participants) Link download: Program of Event Chair: Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Indonesia Universities and Vice-Rector, Universitas Diponegoro Speakers : Prof. Santiago García Granda, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Spain and Rector, University of Oviedo, Spain (Link Presentation) Mr. Yesbol Omirzhanov, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Kazakhstan and Representative of Rector, Kazakh National Agrarian University, Kazakhstan (Link Presentation) Prof. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Vice-Rector, IPB University, Indonesia (Link Presentation) Dr. Herlin Chien, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network for Universities in Chinese Taipei and Representative of President, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Chinese Taipei (Link Presentation) Prof. Ouajdi Korbaa, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Tunisia and Professor, the University of Sousse, Tunisia (Link Presentation) Dr. Esmail Karamidehkordi, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Iran and Director of International Scientific Cooperation Office, University of Zanjan, Iran (Link Presentation) Dr. Jaime Alberto Romero Infante, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Colombia and Director of Environmental business management Master, El Bosque University, Colombia (Link Presentation)   UI GreenMetric International Webinar Series  2 “Teaching, Learning and Working in Sustainable University during Covid-19 Pandemic” date: Tuesday, 9 June 2020 time: 6.30 – 8.30 PM (Jakarta Time, GMT+7) application: Zoom Cloud Meeting (for 100 participants) Link download: Program of Event Chair: Prof. Mirko Degli Esposti, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network for Universities in Italy and Deputy Rector, University of Bologna, Italy Speakers : Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çufali, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Turkey and Rector, Bülent Ecevit University, Turkey (Link Presentation) Mgs. Silvia Donoso Acosta, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Ecuador and Representative of Rector, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador (Link Presentation) dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., University Secretary, Universitas Indonesia (Link Presentation) Dr. Laszlo Gyarmati, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network for Universities in Hungary and Director of Jozsef Attila Study and Information Center, University of Szeged, Hungary (Link Presentation) Dr. Dario Liberona, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Chile and Benchmarking Director, Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa María, Chile (Link Presentation) Dr. Juris Iljins, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Latvia and Director of Quality Management and Sustainability, Riga Technical University, Latvia (Link Presentation) Dr. Habib M. Fardoun, National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric for Universities in Saudi Arab and Director of KAU Center for Academic Standards & Excellence, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia (Link Presentation) Ms. Birte Hornemann, Chief Data Strategist, Aalborg University, Denmark (Link Presentation)     Notes: - Zoom is available on Mobile and Tablet. Link to download: - You can also watch this program on our social media accounts: Youtube: Facebook: Instagram: Your subscribe and like will support our channel. Thank you. Please stay safe and healthy!  

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