What is UI GreenMetric?

The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking is a ranking on green campus and environmental sustainability initiated by Universitas Indonesia in 2010. Through 39 indicators in 6 criteria, UI GreenMetric World University Rankings prudently determined the rankings by universities’ environmental commitment and initiatives.

The Rankings have seen a dramatic increase of participants from 95 universities in 35 countries in 2010 to 1147 universities in 95 countries in 2024.


Aims, Vision, and Mission

We believe that universities play an integral role in the joint effort between stakeholders and communities in combating climate change. By promoting and developing novel ideas and innovations, we hope universities could promote energy and water conservation, waste recycling, and green transportation. However, such activities will require change of behavior as well as economic and social problems related to sustainability. For this regard, we hope universities may become a role model for the society and a critical partner to the government.

Initially, we will collect numeric data from universities and process the data provided into a single score that reflects the efforts being made by the institution to implement environmentally friendly and sustainable programs. Universities will be ranked according to this score. We hope that the rankings will be useful to university leaders in their efforts to put in place eco-friendly policies and manage behavioral change among the academic community at their respective institutions.

Our vision is to be an open and respected World University Rankings which brings sustainable impacts to universities around the world. Our missions are:

  1. Organizing annual World University Rankings on sustainability.
  2. Encouraging sustainability practices in universities around the world.
  3. Providing sustainability-related services for universities around the World.
  4. Facilitating international partnership on sustainability.

History of the Ranking

As part of its strategy to enhance its international standing, University of Indonesia hosted an International Conference on World University Rankings on 16 April 2009. It invited a number of experts on world university rankings such as Isidro Aguillo (Webometrics), Angela Yung-Chi Hou (HEEACT), and Alex Usher (Educational Policy Canada).

The dialogues made it very evident that the indexes currently being used to evaluate institutions did not provide credit to universities that were making efforts to decrease their carbon footprint. The founders of UI GreenMetric were aware that other prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Chicago, and Copenhagen, were managing and enhancing their sustainability.

Additionally, collaborations between universities in sustainability also exist. The United States Green Report Card is a ranking system for 300 colleges that incorporates data on sustainability. This is great, however the results are presented as grades (from A to F) rather than rankings, and the range of universities featured is restricted.

History Ranking

Creating the Rankings and Methodology

We recognized the need for a uniform system that would be appropriate for universities around the world and where the outcomes were based on a numerical score that would allow ranking. This led to comparisons between universities’ rankings that could be made on the criteria of their commitment to addressing the issues of sustainability and environmental impact.

We are utilizing a set of criteria that have been considered to be straightforward and simple to complete while still credible on critical indicators. In the current performance evaluation tool there are 39 indicators and 6 criteria i.e. Setting and Infrastructure (SI), Energy and Climate Change (EC), Waste (WS), Water (WR), Transportation (TR), and Education (ED).

Setting & Infrastructure

More space for greenery and in safeguarding environment, as well as the campus sustainable development budget.

Energy & Climate Change

Increase the effort in using energy efficiency appliances and develop renewable energy.


Some programs and waste treatments (i.e. recycling program, toxic waste, organic and inorganic waste, etc).


Decrease groundwater usage, increase conservation program, and protect the habitat.


Transportation policy to limit the number of private vehicles, pedestrian.

Education & Research

Courses, research, publication, website, report related to green and sustainability.

We have already given the questionnaire to an independent review board and will welcome comments from participants that can be used to improve and refine it in subsequent versions. Universities wishing to participate in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings are asked to provide numeric data on a number of criteria regarding their green campus commitments. The criteria also include baseline information such as the size of the university, both spatially and in terms of population, the campus location and the amount of green space, and also information on energy use, transport, water use and recycling and waste treatment.