Opening Remarks. Source: Comunidad UNAM
Opening Remarks from Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M.
Following the Opening Remarks, Dr. Marina Robles García as Secretary of the Environment for Mexico City (SEDEMA) delivered the opening lecture about dialogues that build sustainability: Mexico City and academia, from this workshop she hopes that Mexico City can reflect not only sustainability on universities but also the commitment of the citizens and public. She explained the importance of knowing the technic of sustainability for academic scope. She emphasized 3 essential components to building sustainability universities; design and performance of the institution’s environmental and social, training for sustainability, and emotional resilience.
Opening Lecture from Dra. Marina Robles García. Source: Comunidad UNAM
The first day of the workshop was divided into 2 sessions, the first session was moderated by Lic. Araceli Nava as Head of the Department of Sustainable Society, Directorate General of Community Attention of UNAM to discuss UI GreenMetric. The first speaker, Asst. Prof. Junaidi, MA as Vice President of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings delivered the introduction about UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and Networks, he explained from vision and mission of the UI GreenMetric to the benefits of the UI GreenMetric World Rankings for the university itself. Second speaker, Dr. Sergio S. Fernández Delgadillo as Secretary of Sustainability, Center for Sustainable Development Research, The Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL) explained the UANL’s experience in managing the sustainability of its campuses. He shared the organizational structure of the sustainability secretariat at UANL and projects carried out by each directorate. The third speaker, Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, ST, MT, M.Agr. as Vice President of Administration, Research, and Development of UI GreenMetric explained the process of submitting data and UI GreenMetric indicators. He informed the UI GreenMetric 2022 report, 2022 participants' performance, Mexico university rank in 2022, general results, setting and infrastructures (SI), also energy and climate change (EC) handlings.
First Session: First Speaker, Asst. Prof. Junaidi, MA, as Vice President of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings
First session: Second Speaker, Dr. Sergio S. Fernández Delgadillo, as Secretary of Sustainability, Center for Sustainable Development Research
First Session: Third Speaker, Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, ST, MT, M.Agr., as Vice President of Administration, Research and Development of UI GreenMetric
The second session was moderated by Biol Diana Osorio as Department of Sustainable Society, Directorate General of Community Concern of UNAM to discuss UNAM Sustainability Projects. The first speaker, Dr. María Alejandra Fonseca Salazar, as University Coordinator for Sustainability, Directorate General of Public Services and Mobility of UNAM explained UNAM environmental sustainability. She talked about various projects held by UNAM from 1982 until 2022 with every challenge of their project execution, formation of the la COUS (La Coordinación Universitaria para la Sustentabilidad) at UNAM, and the needs of UNAM to implement and manage their projects. The second speaker, Ing Luis Gutiérrez Padilla as Deputy Project Director for Safe and Sustainable Communities, Directorate General of Community Attention of UNAM explained about distinctions UNAM community, he shared about the bicycle community called Bicipuma as a sustainable mobility alternative for the university community and the collaborations. The third speaker, Dra. Nancy Merary Jiménez Martínez as Researcher of the University's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Program with a Zero Waste Approach (MIRSU-B0), Regional Multidisciplinary Research Center, Morelos Campus of UNAM talked about her experience in the management of the comprehensive management program for university waste, zero waste, in Mexican Universities. She explained the strategy of comprehensive management and zero waste in the universities' scope, which are the separation scheme, the complete infrastructure, the processes, monitoring and evaluation, training, and resilience.
Second Session: First Speaker, Dr. María Alejandra Fonseca Salazar, as University Coordinator for Sustainability, Directorate General of Public Services and Mobility of UNAM explained about UNAM Environmental Sustainability
Second Session: Second Speaker, Ing Luis Gutiérrez Padilla, as Deputy Project Director for Safe and Sustainable Communities, Directorate General of Community Attention of UNAM
Second Session: Third Speaker, Dra. Nancy Merary Jiménez Martínez, as Researcher of the University's Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Program with a Zero Waste Approach (MIRSU-B0), Regional Multidisciplinary Research Center, Morelos Campus of UNAM
The first day of the 3rd National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in Mexico was closed by M. en C. Alfonso de la Vega as Deputy Director of University Coordination for Sustainability of UNAM by summarizing the highlight of the first-day workshop and hoping that this workshop will bring up ideas and possible solutions for further transformation towards university sustainability in post-pandemic, which are not only supported by universities, but also by the government, business groups, and individuals.
The second day of the 3rd National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in Mexico started with Opening Remarks from Ing. Luis Gutiérrez Padilla as Deputy Director of Projects for Safe and Sustainable Communities, General Directorate of Community Attention of UNAM. Second-day of the workshop was divided into 3 sessions resuming the 2 sessions of the previous day. The third session was moderated by Dra. Ana Cecilia Espinosa García as a Researcher at the National Laboratory of Sustainability Sciences, Institute of Ecology of UNAM to discuss water management in the Universities of Mexico. The first speaker, Ing. Esp. Josué Pablo Hidalgo Jiménez as Executive Coordinator, Water Management, Use and Reuse Program at UNAM, PUMAGUA talked about the experience of the water management, use and reuse program at UNAM, especially about the formation and implementation of PUMAGUA (Programa de Manejo, Uso y Reuso del Agua en la UNAM). The second speaker, M.C. Eduardo Ríos Patrón as Co-coordinator of the Mexican Basin Network explained his experience in managing transdisciplinary projects in watershed management. He specifically shared about network collaboration and watershed management: universities as the central node. Third speaker, Mtro. Jorge Alberto Arriaga Medina as Executive Coordinator, Water Network of UNAM explained the formation, vision and mission, organizational structure, and projects of Water Network itself.
Third Session: First Speaker, Ing. Esp. Josué Pablo Hidalgo Jiménez, as Executive Coordinator, Water Management, Use and Reuse Program at UNAM, PUMAGUA
Third Session: Second Speaker, M.C. Eduardo Ríos Patrón, as Co-coordinator of the Mexican Basin Network
Third Session: Third Speaker, Mtro. Jorge Alberto Arriaga Medina, as Executive Coordinator, Water Network of UNAM
The fourth session was moderated by M. en C. Alfonso de la Vega as Deputy Director of the University Coordination for Sustainability of UNAM to discuss the management of environment and infrastructure, energy, climate change, and waste in the Universities of Mexico. The first speaker of this session, Biól. Antonio Enrique del Ángel Flores as Rector of the Popular University of Chontalpa, explained challenges and post-pandemic strategies in the management of the environment and infrastructure. He emphasized 6 strategies for managing the university’s environment and infrastructure; proper water management, integral management of residues, stewardship and responsible consumption, commitment and environmental culture, energy and climate change handling, and university space. Second speaker, Dr. María de la Luz Trasfi Mosqueda as Institutional Representative of Social Responsibility University, Autonomous University of Yucatán explained post-pandemic challenges and strategies in energy management. She specifically explained the management of environment and infrastructure, energy, climate change, and waste at the University of Yucatan. The third speaker, Dr. Manuel Sandoval Delgado as General Coordinator of Sustainable Development at the Meritorious University of Puebla explained post-pandemic challenges and strategies in action against climate change. He shared about S.U.M.A for sustainable development: a model for management and university education at the BUAP. The fourth speaker, Prof. Graciela Domínguez López as Sustainability Coordinator at the University of Guadalajara, also explained post-pandemic challenges and strategies in energy management of the University of Guadalajara. He shared about university efforts for energy transformations.
Fourth Session: First Speaker, Biól. Antonio Enrique del Ángel Flores, as Rector of the Popular University of Chontalpa
Fourth Session: Second Speaker, Dr. María de la Luz Trasfi Mosqueda, as Institutional Representative of Social Responsibility University, Autonomous University of Yucatán
Fourth Session: Third Speaker, Dr. Manuel Sandoval Delgado, as General Coordinator of Sustainable Development, Meritorious University of Puebla
Fourth Session: Fourth Speaker, Fourth speaker, Prof. Graciela Domínguez López, as Sustainability Coordinator, University of Guadalajara
The last session was moderated by Mtro. Edgar Leyva as Coordinator of Scientific Research, SDSN Mexico of UNAM to discuss management of education and research in the universities of Mexico. The first speaker, M.C. Graciela Hernandez Gomez as Coordinator of the University Environmental Agenda at Autonomous University of Coahuila explained programs of education and dissemination of sustainability to young university students. She shared the principles of environmental education; awareness and sensitivity, knowledge, attitudes, skills, and action. The second speaker, Mtro. Luis Antonio Barbosa Noegerat as Head of the Sustainability Management Department, Azcapotzalco at Metropolitan Autonomous University explained his experience in managing educational projects. The third speaker, Biol. Gabriela Chávez Hidalgo as Polytechnic Coordinator for Sustainability, Department of Environmental Management and Performance at National Polytechnic Institute explained environmental technological training for sustainability in the IPN. The last speaker, Prof. Ángeles Sixtos, as Special Projects Advisor, Solutions for Sustainable Development Mexico, Coordination of Scientific Research of UNAM explained funding trends for sustainability.
Fifth Session: First Speaker, First speaker, M.C. Graciela Hernandez Gomez, as Coordinator of the University Environmental Agenda, Autonomous University of Coahuila
Workshop Situation
Fifth Session: Third Speaker, Third speaker, Biol. Gabriela Chávez Hidalgo, as Department of Environmental Management and Performance, Polytechnic Coordination for Sustainability, National Polytechnic Institute
Closing Statement and Announcement the Host of the Next National Workshop on UI GreenMetric
The last day of the 3rd National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in Mexico was closed by Dr. José Manuel Saniger Blesa as Research and Development Secretary, Scientific Research Coordination, UNAM by delivering the closing statement. He also announced the host of the next national workshop on UI GreenMetric is The Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).
Live stream available on UI GreenMetric’s youtube channel:
By: Yovita and Sabrina (UI GreenMetric)