The National Workshop on UI GreenMetric in France

The National Workshop on UI GreenMetric in France was held on November 15th, 2018 in Inseec U., Paris. The event began with a welcome speech from Mrs. Catherine Lespine (Rector of Inseec U.) followed by a keynote speech from Mr. Junaidi, MA (expert member of UI GreenMetric). Both speakers emphasized on the importance of collaboration in order to solve global sustainability problems. [caption id="attachment_6076" align="aligncenter" width="409"] Mr. Junaidi with Mrs. Catherine Lespine (Rector of Inseec U.)[/caption] The event continued with a presentation from Mrs. Baiduri Widanarko, Ph.D (expert member of UI GreenMetric). She presented the trends, challenges, criteria and indicators of UI GreenMetric and current development in UI GreenMetric World Universities Rankings Network. The next event was the signing of the declaration of participation on UI GreenMetric Network. There were 15 schools that have been committed to participate in UI GreenMetric Network. [caption id="attachment_6077" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The signing of the declaration of participation on UI GreenMetric Network[/caption] After lunch the program continued with a presentation about “Sustainable Development: New Growth Leverages, Innovation and Employment”. This session was moderated by Mr. Michel Ricard (Unesco Chair on Education Training and Research for Sustainable Development and Professor at Bordeaux University). Four speakers, namely Mr. Hocine Sadok (Dean of Economics, Social Sciences and Law, Universite de Haute Alsace), Mr. Gerald Majou (Director of Sustainable Development of Conference des Grandes Ecoles), Mrs. Yamna Djellouli-Tabet (Professor, Le Mans University and CNRS Research in Change of Sustainable Development and Energetic Transition), and Mr. Philippe Naccache (Professor, Inseec School of Business and Economics in Paris) presented their experiences with their sustainable campus development. [caption id="attachment_6078" align="aligncenter" width="409"] The speakers for "Sustainable Development: New Growth Leverages, Innovation and Employment"[/caption] The next session was about “Digitalization and Environmental Impacts for Campuses”. This session was moderated by Mr. Francois Germinet (Dean of  Universite Cergy-Pontoise). There were four speakers, namely Mr. Pierrich Bedouch (Associate Vice-President for Digital Infrastructure, Universite Grenoble-Alpes), Mr. Laurent Bertrandias (Professor Toulouse Business School), Mrs. Sylvie Faucheux (Dean of IFG Executive Education and Inseec U. Academic Innovation) and Mr. Christophe Baujault (Dean of ECE Paris). The UI GreenMetric team also had the opportunity to visit the campus of Inseec U. in the beautiful city of Paris.