UI GreenMetric National Workshop For PTKI Hosted by Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Jambi, 19 July 2022. UI GreenMetric held the National Workshop for Religious Islamic Higher Education (PTKI)  in Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi (UIN Jambi) on 19 July 2022. The event was conducted online using the Zoom Meeting and Youtube live stream on UI GreenMetric YouTube channel. The main theme of this workshop was “Trans Integration as Universities’ Transformation For Achieving SDGs.” “Today, we encourage our colleagues at UIN Jambi to participate in online course collaboration with 7 countries and look up to Indonesian students who collaborated with students in Ecuador and Colombia despite the time zone differences. I congratulate and thank UIN Sultan Thaha, Mr. Su’aidi, Pak Bayu, and Ibu Rafikah for the efforts in arranging today’s workshop,” said the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. during her opening remarks.  

The Rector of UIN Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Su'aidi, M.A., Ph.D. in his speech explaining the paradigm of learning of UIN Jambi.

  “UIN Jambi was awarded as the 20th most sustainable campus in Indonesia according to UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, on par with Bina Nusantara (Binus) and Telkom University. We also received an email from Times Higher Education World University,” said the Rector of Rector of UIN Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Su'aidi, M.A., Ph.D. in his speech. He also gave insights regarding the learning paradigm at UIN Jambi.

Assistant to the Governor of Jambi, Doktor Doni Iskandar, M.P. in his speech representing the Governor of Jambi regarding the Province’s effort in sustainable development.

  The event was also attended by the Assistant to the Governor of Jambi, Dr. Doni Iskandar, M.P. “The accomplishment of SDGs requires collaborative work and participation of various stakeholders, including universities in Indonesia. Since 2017, Jambi itself has prioritized the green economy and sustainable development, therefore increasing economic output without degrading the environment,” said the assistant in his speech.  

Expert Member of Data, System, and IT of UI GreenMetric, Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, M.T, M. Sc., introducing UI GreenMetric to the audiences

  In line with the previous speeches, the Expert Member of Data, System, and IT of UI GreenMetric, Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, M.T, M.Sc., introduced UI GreenMetric to the audience which covered its vision and missions, as well as its track records. UI GreenMetric Ranking is based on six indicators of sustainability that include setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste management, water management, and education and research. These indicators are relevant to UN 17 points of SDGs. He also mentioned that UI GreenMetric World University Ranking is participated by 956 universities from around the globe as well as the trends among the participating universities. Lastly, Dr. Ruki declared the membership registration to join UI GreenMetric.  

Rector of UIN Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Su'aidi, M.A., Ph.D presenting the infrastructure of UIN Jambi and its sustainability.

  Next, the moderator divided the workshop into 6 criterias, based on the indicators of UI Green Metrics World University Ranking. The first criteria, Setting and Infrastructure, was presented by the Rector of UIN Jambi, Prof. Dr. H. Su'aidi, M.A., Ph.D. He began the presentation with two verses of Al-Quran, Al-A’raf: 56 and Al-Baqarah: 205, which emphasize on nature conservation. He showed the construction plan of UIN Jambi, in which he stated that the buildings are going to be improved to meet the UI GreenMetric standards. He also mentioned that UIN Jambi has ring roads and a lake. UIN Jambi also has a plantation of beneficial plants. “On the side of the road we planted seeds such as durian and onions,” Prof. Su’aidi added. UIN Jambi has special facilities for handicapped people and open spaces for its students. He concluded that the developments of UIN Jambi are oriented toward long-term benefit not only to its civitas academica, but also for the greater good of the people and environment.  

 Smart Eco Campus Development Unit of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Dr. Ir. Susi Agustina Wilujeng presenting the sources of energy in Indonesia and energy transition.

  The second criteria, Energy and Climate Change, was presented by the Representative of Smart Eco Campus Development Unit of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Dr. Ir. Susi Agustina Wilujeng. Dr. Susi explained that  climate change is happening due to the greenhouse effect accumulated from human activities and one of the main points of SGDs, and energy is one of the driving forces of climate change. She presented that there are gaps in energy consumption in poor and developed countries. She also mentioned that Indonesia is participating in the Paris Agreement, which binds the participating countries to reduce carbon emission. Indonesia also receives most of its energy supply from coal, which emits high volume of pollution as well as prone to accidents. “The risk of death and pollution from coal is very high, therefore energy transition toward renewables is a must. Moreover, the price of solar panels is decreasing annually,” she added.   During her presentation, Dr. Susi Wilujeng also mentioned ITS participation in promoting green campus. ITS has research centers for sustainable energy, infrastructure, and SGDs. ITS is also developing GESITS, an electric scooter made by its students. Various sustainable campus policies are enacted to lower energy usage, such as energy efficiency policies from its Rectors for procurements and projects. ITS also has 30 smart buildings that follow UI GreenMetric’s criteria and the home of various electric vehicle development and testing made by its students.  

Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Prof. Riyanto, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D explaining the waste management system of FMIPA UII.

  The third criteria, Waste Management, was presented by the Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Prof. Riyanto, S.Pd., M.Si., Ph.D. Waste itself can be defined as a byproduct of human activities. Some wastes can be categorized into toxic wastes or B3 that have higher toxicity and hazards. One of the examples of B3 wastes in campuses is laboratorium waste. During his presentation, Prof. Riyanto explained the importance of waste management in campuses and the steps to eliminate waste. Lastly, he mentioned UII Zero Waste, a program that transforms waste into energy, fertilizer and products.  

Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Prof. Wan Jamaluddin Z., M.Ag. presenting the UIN Raden Lampung water management system.

  The fourth criteria, Water Management, was presented after the first QnA session by the Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Prof. Wan Jamaluddin Z., M.Ag. Water is crucial for mankind and is mentioned in more than 50 verses in Al-Quran. UIN Raden Intan Lampung has 8 artificial lakes and 8000 biopores for water conservation and utilization. In addition UIN Raden Lampung has water recycling facilities and aquaponics.   Next, the fifth criteria, Transportation, was presented by Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto M.P.,I.PM. Transportation itself is an activity of moving from one place to another. There are 5 factors of transportation such as humans, transport, roads, goods, and organization. Transportation is a growing concern for cities with universities because of the amounts of students and traffic around the campus. He also explained the urgency of transportation management and facts about transportation in Indonesia. The root of transportation problems in Indonesia is quite complex such as population boom, increasing demand for sustainable transport, and law upbringing. One of the concepts to solve these problems is sustainable transport. Basically, sustainable transport is a concept that not only solves short term problems, but also gives long term solutions.  

Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto M.P.,I.PM. explaining the transportation ecosystem in Indonesia.

  Lastly, the sixth criteria, Education and Research, was presented by Planning Director of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng. UGM itself implements the Student Teacher Aesthetic Role Sharing (STAR) method to create an innovative learning environment. The advancement of technology also integrated concepts such as massive open online courses (MOOCS) and e-Learning Open for Knowledge Sharing (ELOK). During this presentation, he also explained UGM’s commitment to social projects such as kuliah kerja nyata (KKN).  

Planning Director of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Muhammad Sulaiman, S.T., M.T., D.Eng. presenting the education system of UGM.

  After the presentations from the speakers, the moderator opened a discussion session. Few participants raised their questions and opinions about the presentation. Shortly after, the moderator closes the workshop and thanks the participants for joining the workshop.