National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Islamic Universities in Indonesia

The National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Islamic Universities in Indonesia, hosted by Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), was held in a hybrid format from 26th to 27th July 2023. This collaborative event between UI GreenMetric and UMY, one of the best Islamic universities in Indonesia, has provided a breath of fresh air and motivation for other Islamic universities to follow UI GreenMetric's path in achieving sustainable university practices. It also represents the third Thematic Priority of UI GreenMetric, "Partnering on Solutions to Sustainability Challenges." The first day commenced with an opening prayer and a welcoming speech from the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng. This was followed by opening remarks from Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, and the exchange of souvenirs.

Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP., IPM

Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc.

Exchange of Souvenirs

The core of the workshop revolved around enlightening presentations given by distinguished speakers from various universities and stakeholders. The first session began with M. Denny Silaban, S.Si., M.T., representing Ir. Sigit Reliantoro, M.Sc, from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, as the keynote speaker, emphasizing the importance of sustainability, especially among universities. His presentation highlighted the role of the government in supporting sustainability efforts through innovation and community partnerships in higher education.

M. Denny Silaban, S.Si., M.T.

The next session was moderated by Jasmine Savitri, S.IP., M.Cp., and started with Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair of UI GreenMetric for Program, Communication, and Partnership, who introduced UI GreenMetric, its indicators, and questionnaire. He encouraged Islamic universities to actively contribute to sustainable development efforts.

Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A.

Jasmine Savitri, S.IP., M.Cp.

Following Dr. Junaidi's presentation, eight Islamic universities in Indonesia declared their participation in UI GreenMetric by signing the declaration form. The list of new members of UI GreenMetric includes: 1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Klaten 2. Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu 3. Universitas Darussalam Gontor 4. Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto 5. Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong 6. Universitas Islam Al-Ihya Kuningan 7. Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang 8. IAIN Kudus

Declaration of 8 Universities as UI GreenMetric's New Member

The workshop continued with the third session, moderated by Prof. Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., PE. This session included a presentation from the Rector of UMY, Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng., highlighting the infrastructure and setting of UMY. The next presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sujono, M.Kes., Professor of the Livestock sector at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. His presentation focused on sustainability efforts in his campus, particularly in energy and climate change management through recent technology. The last presentation in this session was by Prof. Dr. Lily Surraya Eka P., M.Env.Stud., Director of SDGs Center of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, who reflected on her campus's position in the UI GreenMetric Ranking and the efforts to increase its position.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Sujono, M.Kes., Prof. Dr. Lily Surraya Eka P., M.Env.Stud., Dr. Ir. Gunawan Budiyanto, MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng., Prof. Ir. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, S.T., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., PE. (from left to right)

The final session included a discussion moderated by Arie Kusuma Paksi, S.IP., M.A., Ph.D., and presentations from Utik Bidayati, S.E., M.M., Vice-Rector of Finance, Property, and General Administration of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, discussing water management in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, and Dr. Rustamadji, M.Si., Rector of Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong, presenting transportation management in his campus.

Arie Kusuma Paksi, S.IP., M.A., Ph.D., Dr. Rustamadji, M.Si., and Utik Bidayati, S.E, M.M. (from left to right)

Throughout the first day of the workshop, enthusiastic and engaged participants, including experts and academics, contributed their unique perspectives and experiences, enriching the discussions on campus sustainability efforts. Their collective involvement not only deepened the shared knowledge but also fostered a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to address the critical challenges of our time. The second day involved a local sustainable initiative tour, where the workshop participants were invited to Gambir Mukti, a climate program from Priyan's village, showcasing various sustainability efforts, such as overcoming the shortage of clean water supply by constructing biopores and infiltration ponds, conserving woody trees, and eco-friendly sprout production. Additionally, the waste from sprout production was used as animal feed, and the leftover water used to irrigate freshwater fish cultivation ponds. The program also involved a waste bank to support waste management efforts in Bantul Regency. Under the umbrella of the Gambira Mukti organization, the Priyan Climate Village Program aimed to manage both organic and inorganic waste, utilize livestock manure, achieve self-sufficient food security, innovate in irrigation systems, control climate-related diseases, promote biogas production, renewable energy, and energy-saving efforts.

Local Sustainable Initiative Tour

These fruitful two days of the workshop were filled with enthusiasm from both the visitors and the hosts, who shared their sustainability efforts not only within their campus areas but also in the local community. This workshop indeed served as a kickstart and a shining example to raise awareness and motivate other Islamic universities in Indonesia to follow suit. Live Streaming on Youtube: