The 1st National Student Leaders on Sustainability Meeting 2021 is the inaugural agenda of UI Green Metrics at the student level related to sustainability issues involving 30 Student Delegations from Sabang-Merauke who have the capacity and integrity. This activity opens up space for students to discuss and share experiences in an effort to foster the leadership character and integrity of Indonesian students towards sustainable environmental issues. This activity opens opportunities for students to understand and realize the importance of preserving the environment, especially regarding green campuses and real actions to create an environmentally friendly campus. As a student, he is expected to be an agent of change and an ambassador for the promotion of various forms of environmental action at their respective universities.
This activity was organized by UIN Raden Intan Lampung with the theme “Greening Your Campus! Greening Your Life". This activity was held on 27-29 October 2021. Various activities were carried out including Opening Ceremony, Seminar, Focus Group Discussion, Lampung Declaration (Indonesian Student Oath to Save Mother Earth), Workshop: Designing a Green Campus as an Educational Tourism Destination, Campus Tour, Mangrove planting action and Beach Clean Up on Pahawang Island, Inauguration, Closing Ceremony.
On the first day of the opening ceremony, which began with the screening of the Video Green Campus UIN Raden Intan Lampung and remarks delivered by Prof. Wan Jamaluddin Z., Ph.D. (Vice Chancellor III UIN RIL), Speech from the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Mrs. Hj. Eva Dwiana, SE, M.Si, remarks by Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Mukri, M.Ag. (Mr. Chancellor of UIN RIL) and the last one was a speech by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri sari., M.Sc., MM (Chairman of UI Green Metric).
The portrait of Indonesia's young generation has a strategic position as the inheritor of the nation's future. During the Opening Ceremony, I became more aware of my role as the young generation of Indonesia to always maintain harmony, harmony and sustainability with nature. Students as future leaders of the nation and the campus is a center of excellence that has a strategic role in pioneering and promoting a sustainable environment.
We realize together that the UI Green Metric is not just a ranking but our joint efforts to maintain the sustainability of a better earth. The spirit of loving the environment must not be extinguished in our young souls, because loving the environment is a religious commandment. Never stop to carve a track record of goodness on this earth. Let's together enrich ourselves with knowledge, experience and relationships so that we have more power to keep the motherland sustainable, as said Prof. Riri in her speech : Keep on learning and you can do better.
The second day of NSLSM activities took place more and more exciting and fun. In addition to listening and listening to the presentation of the material presented by Prof. Junaedi regarding our UI green Metric World University Rankings was also presented with material on community service activities in the field of environmental education to remote areas in Indonesia by the Indonesian Youth Direction.
During the question and answer session, I had the opportunity to ask Prof. Junaedi related how Akita can shape the mindset of students who are still ignorant about the environment? he replied that there is a need for regulations to bind habits and culture of loving the environment because these habits need to be developed and the process takes time, besides that it can also be done by making social campaigns with posters, video simulations that can make people aware of the importance of loving the environment and the most important thing is We are role models in protecting the environment.
The next session on the second day was a Focus Group Discussion which was divided into 6 FGD groups, each of which discussed topics in the fields of Arrangement and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Water Management, Waste Management, Transportation, Education and Research. The four of me attended an FGD session with the topic of energy and climate change. This activity opens space for students to discuss and share experiences in an effort to create an energy efficient campus, use of new and renewable energy in the campus environment, energy efficiency, policies to carry tumblers and the provision of free drinking water facilities as an effort to reduce the consumption of plastic bottle waste in the campus environment.
The last series on the second day of NSLSM activities was closed with the Lampung Declaration (Indonesian Student Oath to Save the Motherland). At the same time echoing the reading of this oath, my young soul vibrates even more with a passion that is so tempestuous to continue to be committed to loving and keeping the environment beautiful. After the Lampung Declaration, we toured the UIN RIL campus which is very green and beautiful which has 8 reservoirs, thousands of biopore holes, processing waste into biomass, briquettes, composting, providing free drinking water and getting students used to bringing drinking water tumblers and using bicycles to reduce emissions. carbon. Seeing the hydroponic garden and ending by planting trees together on the UIN RIL campus.
The third day of NSLSM activities was held on Pahawang Island. On the third day we carried out mangrove planting and also a Beach Clean Up which was carried out in groups of 5-6 people. Within 10 minutes my group managed to collect two large bags of plastic waste. Ironically, Indonesia is the second largest producer of plastic waste, of course, this is our collective homework to overcome this and become more aware of how beautiful Indonesia's nature is, which we must be grateful for with an attitude of loving the environment and concrete actions to maintain its sustainability.
The Closing Ceremony on the third day was held quite lively and emotional because they had to part with other friends. However, there is good news that the second NSLSM will be held at Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Banten in 2022. All my friends, we as the young generation of Indonesia must not lose their enthusiasm, the youth must complete their youth by making a good contribution to the country. Indonesia is not perfect, we still have a lot of homework to do together. Let's take care and keep the motherland so that it remains beautiful. And it's hard for me to give an answer, except that whatever happens I don't want to get tired of loving this country, my heart wants to keep singing "Indonesia tanah air beta, Pusaka abadi nan jaya"
By Herlina Pebriani, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa