Dr. Rustamadji, M.Si as Rector of UNIMUDA Sorong
The first session that moderated by Mr. Sirojjudin and also the first speaker discussed about UI Gren Metric and the Explanation of UI GreenMetric and UI GWON (UI GreenMetric World University Ranking Network), UI GreenMetric Indicators and Questionnaires that was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Tommy Ilyas., M.Eng., UI GreenMetric Expert Staff, Universitas Indonesia. The second speaker was represented by H. Abdul Faris Umlati, S.E. as Regent of Raja Ampat. that explained about Maintaining the Conservation of Raja Ampat Waters. The most highlight point was The Raja Ampat Regency Government supports the efforts made by UI GreenMetric in Preserving the Environment.Prof. Dr. Ir. Tommy Ilyas., M.Eng., UI GreenMetric Expert Staff, Universitas Indonesia
H. Abdul Faris Umlati, S.E. as Regent of Raja Ampat
The second session are feature by 4 speakers, started and moderated by Mr. Surya Putra Raharja and the first speaker that was Dr. Rustamadji, M.Si. as Rector of UNIMUDA Sorong that represented by Mr. Anang Triyoso that explained about Structuring and Infrastructure Management. The second speaker was Prof. Dr. Ir. Batara Surya., S.T., M.Si., as Rector of Universitas Bosowa and as Professor of Location Analysis and Spatial Patterns of Urban and Regional Planning Study Program in Universitas Bosowa that explained about Transportation System. The third speaker was Dr. Raden Putra, S.T., as a Secretary of LPPM ITERA that discussed about Waste Management. The fourth and the last speaker in this session was Prof. Dr. Ir. Ellen Joan Kumaat M.Sc., as Rector of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia that represented by Ms. Indri Manembu and explained and discussed about Small-Scale Biogas Reactors Converting Organic Waste to Energy and Fertilizer.Dr. Rustamadji, M.Si. as Rector of UNIMUDA Sorong that represented by Mr. Anang Triyoso
Prof. Dr. Ir. Batara Surya., S.T., M.Si., as Rector of Universitas Bosowa
Dr. Raden Putra, S.T., as a Secretary of LPPM ITERA
Dr. Ir. Ellen Joan Kumaat M.Sc., as Rector of Sam Ratulangi University that represented by Ms. Indri Manembu
The third session are feature by 2 speakers that moderated by Mr. Andi Rahmat. The first speakers for the third session is Dr. Ishak Hasan, M.Si as Rector of Universitas Teuku Umar that represented by Dr. Mursyidin, MA., that explained and discussed about Water Management spesificly about Agro & Marine Industry. The second speakers for the third session is Prof. Dr. F. Leiwakabessy, M.Pd., as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs from Universitas Pattimura that explained and discussed about Water, Transportation, Education, and Research Management.Dr. Ishak Hasan, M.Si as Rector of Universitas Teuku Umar that represented by Dr. Mursyidin, MA.
Prof. Dr. F. Leiwakabessy, M.Pd., as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs from Universitas Pattimura
This event was closed by the master of ceremony. It is hoped that with this workshop, it can become a discussion forum whose results can be implemented on their respective campuses. Source : (233) Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Universities in Eastern Part of Indonesia 2022 - YouTube - Lokakarya UI GreenMetric untuk Wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur 2022 (Youtube UI Green Metric) https://www.youtube.com/c/UIGreenMetricWUR - Youtube UI Green Metric