The Role of Green Heroes in Creating Sustainable Campuses and Cities

On November 10th, 2023, UI GreenMetric organized an Instagram Live Discussion on "The Role of Green Heroes in Creating Sustainable Campuses and Cities" The discussion was led by three exceptional speakers - Ir. Freddy Ilfan, S.T., M.T., Green Campus Unit Team of Universitas Jambi, Dr. Ling. Safrinal Sofaniadi, S.T., M.Si. serves as Head of Pollution Control and Environmental Conservation DLH Semarang City, and Muzakir, S.E., M.Sc. as a Green Campus Team Universitas Teuku Umar.

In the midst of a discussion, Ir. Freddy Ilfan, S.T., M.T., underscored the importance of taking action towards a more environmentally-friendly future, not only from campuses, but also from the government, stakeholders, and the community at large. Universitas Jambi has made significant strides in promoting sustainability through a variety of measures, including workshops, seminars, research collaborations with both internal and external partners, as well as a thorough evaluation of its energy consumption. The university is committed to furthering its efforts towards a more sustainable future.

Dr. Ling Safrinal Sofaniadi, S.T., M.Si. has undertaken comprehensive action on the implementation of the concept of a green mission in City of Semarang. The action involves an in-depth examination of how to achieve sustainable development within the city, in collaboration with the government and all communities. This initiative aims to create a greener, healthier, and cleaner environment in City of Semarang. The project is expected to raise environmental awareness among all aspects of the community and promote collaboration towards the creation of a sustainable environment.

Muzakir, S.E., M.Sc. has emphasized the significance of the green concept which extends beyond the mere quantity of trees present in a given community. This notion also encompasses the incorporation of sustainable practices into our daily routine which involves the utilization of eco-friendly options like tumblers and reusable bags. Adoption of green actions is inclusive of the use of public transportation, electric vehicles, and the practice of the 3Rs - reduce, reuse, recycle. A successful implementation of the aforementioned measures is indicative of a community's commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting ecologically sound standards.

Together, we have the power to create a sustainable future. Let's unite and take action towards a better tomorrow.

Streaming Live on Instagram:

Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si