Major General (R) Javier Alberto Ayala Amaya
Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., provided insights into the vision and mission of UI GreenMetric, its history, the agenda for 2023, and the upward trajectory of UI GreenMetric Rankings. She aspires to expand Colombian university participation in UI GreenMetric beyond previous years.
Opening Remarks by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc.
Following the opening remarks, UI GreenMetric presented plaques to the Rector of UMNG and the Indonesian Ambassador to Colombia, reciprocated with a group photo.
Plaque Bestowals
Group Photo; Speakers and Participants
The workshop progressed with Dr. Junaidi, Vice-Chair of UI GreenMetric, explaining how the ranking system works. He went into detail about the six criteria and 39 indicators used for scoring, highlighting specific steps that need to be taken in the future to align with UI GreenMetric's vision and mission for sustainability. He also underscored the correlation between active participation in UI GreenMetric initiatives and the adoption of sustainable practices.
Presentation by Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A.
Workshop Situation
Following the presentation from Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., the signing of the Declaration of UI GreenMetric Membership took place. The universities that signed the declaration included:
- Universidad de America
- Universidad Simon Bolivar
- Universidad del Tolima
- Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Opening Remarks by Dr. Maria Clara Rangel Galvis
Dr. Jaime Alberto Romero Infante
Over the enlightening two-day workshop, selected Colombian universities had the opportunity to share their best practices based on the six criteria of UI GreenMetric. The speakers included: First day:
- Edwin Andrés Mora Aristizábal (Universidad de Antioquía)
- Edwin Roberto González (Universidad la Sabana)
- Aníbal Maury Ramírez & Jaime A. Romero Infante (Universidad del Bosque)
- Paola Andrea Calderón Cuartas (Universidad Católica de Manizales)
- Mónica Sofía Rico Ramírez (Universidad de la Sabana)
- Luz Alejandra Cerón Rincón & TCCIM Helmuth Elias Becerra Díaz (Escuela Superior de Guerra)
- Mónica Sofía Rico Ramírez (Universidad del Bosque)
- Darwin Ortega Chamorro (Fundación Parque Jaime Duque)
- Martha Tovar. Antarctic (Universidad Militar Nueva Granada)
- Juan Carlos Vélez (Prodensa Executive Director)
- María Angélica Suárez Jaraba (Pontifical Javeriana University)
Second day:
- Camilo Arturo Peraza González (Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales)
- Laura Yineth Cuervo Martínez (Universidad de America)
- Clara Inés Vásquez Londoño (Ecologística SAS-ESP)
- Martha Patricia Plata Delgado (Universidad de Santander)
- Juan Camilo Gómez Caipa (Universidad de America)
- Mario Andrés Gandini Ayerbe (Universidad Autónoma de Occidente)
- Karol Lucia Fuentes, Laura Estefanía Vanegas, Alan Josué Álvarez, Tatiana Rodríguez Chaparro (Universidad Militar Nueva Granada)
- Andrea Díaz Pulido (Universidad del Rosario)
Live streaming on youtube:
Day 1:
Day 2: