On September 21, 2023, which also happened to be International Zero Emissions Day, the UI GreenMetric hosted Instagram Live Discussions with three exceptional speakers. This September, UI GreenMetric brings up the theme of “Zero Emissions Day: Greener Tomorrow Starts Today!” The first speaker was Dr. Talal Alharbi, a Qassim University Professor specializing in Power and Energy. The second speaker was Sicha Alifa Makahekum, a Program Officer for Green Economy at the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR). Last but not least, Restiya Ardhita, an Environmental Ambassador of UIN Raden Intan Lampung, also shared her insights during the event.
In the course of our live discussion, we had the opportunity to explore in greater detail the theme of transitioning towards a sustainable and low-carbon future. It became clear that achieving this goal demands a comprehensive strategy and the unwavering commitment of every individual. Our esteemed speakers also shared a wealth of invaluable tips and insights on how we can all contribute to the reduction of gas emissions, which we can readily incorporate into our daily lives.
In order to create a future with fewer carbon emissions, Dr. Talal Alharbi, Professor in Power and Energy at Qassim University, emphasized the importance of taking action on an individual level. This can include reducing our use of electrical appliances and transportation options, as well as increasing physical activity as a means of transportation. It's also vital to raise awareness and promote a low-carbon future within our society, community, and environment.
Sicha Alifa, a representative of IESR, believes that universities and communities play a crucial role in spreading awareness about reducing gas emissions. She emphasizes the need to incorporate climate change and energy issues into our education system. Educational institutions can promote awareness of climate change, integrate sustainability into their curriculum, and support research on low-carbon future and climate change.
According to Restiya Arditha, an Environmental Ambassador at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, creating and sharing content, writing informative articles, and utilizing educational resources towards sustainability can help raise public awareness about the importance of reducing emissions and taking better actions for the environment.
With our proficiency in technology, we hold the power to drive climate action through social media and other online tools. By sharing information and raising awareness via digital platforms, we can inspire more people to take part in this important cause and bring about positive change. Let's unite our efforts to make a significant impact!
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Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si