Preserving Our Water: Effective Conservation & Contamination Control

In celebration of World Environment Day on June 5, 2024, UI GreenMetric collaborated with UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia, Universidad El Bosque, Colombia, and Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi (UPEC), Ecuador, to present an Instagram Live Discussion titled “Preserving Our Water: Effective Conservation & Contamination Control.” The event featured three representatives: Suci Wulan Pawhestri, M.Si. from UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Dott. Ing. MGO Prof. Jaime Alberto Romero-Infante from Universidad El Bosque, and Dr. Jaime Moreno from UPEC. They shared insights on effective water conservation practices implemented at their respective campuses.

Miss Suci discussed the importance of regular water quality monitoring at UIN Raden Intan Lampung, adherence to government policies, and chemical measurements of water quality. She highlighted advanced water filtration as a crucial solution to address contamination issues.

Dr. Moreno emphasized the role of sustainable development goals in reducing water consumption at UPEC. He advocated for integrating sustainability education at all levels, ensuring that future generations understand the importance of water conservation. Additionally, he stressed the significance of collaboration with local governments in implementing effective water management policies.

Prof. Jaime highlighted the necessity of government financial support to enhance knowledge sharing between cities, communities, and industries. He underscored the need for spreading awareness within neighborhoods to foster community collaboration, which can significantly impact water conservation efforts.

This enlightening discussion provided valuable insights to all participants, emphasizing the importance of collective action in preserving our water resources.