Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, MM., MSc.

Dr. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K)

Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D. 1

Ir. Laksmi Dhewanthi, M.A.

Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, M.Sc.

Dr. Safrizal ZA, M.Si.
Each of the speakers delivered inspiring speeches, lauding the efforts put forth by UI GreenCityMetric and the participating Cities/Regencies in pursuing sustainability goals, ensuring a prosperous future for the nation. Following the speeches, the much-awaited announcement of the rankings from 1 to 58 was made by Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair of UI GreenMetric for Program, Communication, and Partnership. This momentous occasion continued with awards to the top 21 winners.

Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A.
The esteemed awardees are as follows: 2023 Ten Most Sustainable Cities/Regencies in Indonesia: 1. City of Kediri, East Java 2. City of Surabaya, East Java 3. City of Madiun, East Java 4. City of Blitar, East Java 5. City of Pariaman, West Sumatra 6. City of Semarang, Central Java 7. City of Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan 8. City of Pasuruan, East Java 9. City of Padang, West Sumatra 10. City of Mojokerto, East Java. The 2023 Most Sustainable Cities/Regencies by Category: - Setting and infrastructure: City of Semarang - Energy and climate change: City of Blitar - Waste management: City of Madiun - Water management: City of Surabaya - Access and mobility: City of Kediri - Governance: City of Surabaya The 2023 Most Sustainably Improved City/Regency in Indonesia: City of Jambi, Jambi The 2023 Best New Participating City/Regency in Indonesia: City of Medan, North Sumatra 2023 Three Most Sustainable Regencies in Indonesia: 1. Regency of Wonogiri, Central Java 2. Regency of Badung, Bali 3. Regency of Sragen, Central Java The awards were presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, MM., MSc., Chairperson of UI GreenMetric; Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair of UI GreenMetric for Program, Communication, and Partnership; Prof. Ir. Gunawan Tjahjono, M.Arch., Ph.D., Expert Member of Research and Development of UI GreenMetric; Dr. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K), Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Universitas Indonesia; Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, M.Sc., Head of SDGs National Secretariat, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas; Dr. Safrizal ZA, M.Si., Director-General of Regional Administration Development, Ministry of Home Affairs; and Mr. Amron, M.T., Director of Urban Areas and National Boundaries. The awardees (top 3) had the opportunity to express their gratitude and deliver speeches, reflecting on their sustainability achievements. The event was a resounding success and concluded with Prof. Riri Fitri Sari delivering closing remarks, inspiring all participants to continue their commitment towards a greener and sustainable future for Indonesia and the world. Live streaming on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/live/lOP0MShKWL4?feature=share