Our Services

UI GreenMetric is an initiative of University of Indonesia developed since 2010. The aim of this initiative is to provide the result of online survey regarding the current condition and policies related to Green Campus and Sustainability in the Universities all over the world. It is expected that by drawing the attention of university leaders and stake holders, more attention will be given to combating global climate change, energy and water conservation, waste recycling, and green transportation. Such activities will require change of behavior and providing more attention to sustainability of the environment, as well as economic and social problem related to the sustainability. We believe that the universities that are leading the way in this regard need to be identifiable and so we have decided to make a start in doing this. In 2021, we introduce new services to continue our global work in supporting sustainable universities. These new services are Consulting, Rankings Tracker, Trees Rating, Events, and Branding.


End-to-end services designed to cultivate excellence in sustainability.

Rankings Tracker

Detailed evaluation of university’s performance in UI GreenMetric Rankings.

Trees Rating

Comprehensive audit to evaluate university achievement in sustainability.


Unique opportunities to explore the latest trends with key members of the sustainability ecosystem.


Enhance your university visibility on UI GreenMetric website and social media.

Beneficiaries for Service Users

  1. Shaping the development of more than 417 billion square meters of university area
  2. Contributing to reduce carbon footprint of more than 7 billion metric tons per year from daily university activities
  3. Implementing Partnership for the goals (SDGs number 17)
  4. Promoting your university to more than 1477 Universities from 95 Countries
  5. Getting in-depth insight to your university performances and alternative solutions in UI GreenMetric

Types of Services

  • Profile and Banner
  • Hosting Event
  • Consultation Meeting (1)
  • Profile and Banner
  • Hosting Event
  • Fact File Analysis
  • Consultation Meeting (2)
  • Certificate of Compliance
  • Profile and Banner
  • Hosting Event
  • Fact File Analysis
  • Consultation Meeting (3)
  • Certificate of Compliance
  • Certificate of Trees Rating

Download our brochure: Here


"We must continue to do more, and our approach aligns, I believe very well with UI GreenMetric. This is an agenda that we need to keep pushing. The UI GreenMetric Network's agenda is truly diverse, and we are very pleased to have been a part of UI GreenMetric services for the past three years. We have helped ensure the valuable work of UI GreenMetric continues through strong and close collaboration and relationships, knowing that we share a common purpose to make the world a better place."
Prof. John O'Halloran, President of UCC Cork

"We highly appreciate your effort in inspiring us with your unique ranking system to work toward sustainability. This ranking system helps us a lot in improving and continuously improving our performance. We look forward to our continuous collaboration."
Prof. Imad Alsyouf, Director of The Sustainability Office University of Sharjah

Find out more about Our Services

If your university would like to know more about this service, please write to greenmetric@ui.ac.id or contact to our Contact Person:

  • Contact Person:Sabrina Hikmah Ramadianti (Coordinator of Program, Communication, and Partnership)
  • Telephone: +62 856 1863 537, +62 21 29120936
  • Email:greenmetric@ui.ac.id
  • Address:Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) Building 4th Fl, University of Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok 16424, Indonesia