
DEPOK: After finishing an online seven-month survey, the University of Indonesia (UI) announced on Thursday the results of what it said was the first environmentally based university ranking system. Ninety-four universities from 35 countries participated in the “UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities 2010”. The survey, conducted between May and November, ranked universities based on several factors, including green space, electricity consumption, waste and water management and eco-sustainability policies. Seven US universities were in the survey’s top 10 list, including the University of California in Berkeley in first place and Northeastern University, which came fourth. “We hope there will be more universities participating in the survey next year,” UI rector Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri said. — JP source :

Rektor UI, Prof. Dr. der Soz. Gumilar R. Somantri, membuka "Workshop Ranking Universitas Dunia Berdasarkan UI GreenMetric" yang diselenggarakan pada Jumat (24/09) 2010 di Ruang Rapat A, Gedung PAUI, Kampus UI Depok. Acara tinjauan perangkingan universitas di dunia berdasarkan kriteria kampus ramah lingkungan ini dihadiri oleh para pemerhati lingkungan, seperti Prof. Emil Salim, Dr. Ir. Tarsoen Waryono, M.Si., Prof. Benny H. Hoed, Prof. Dra. Yunita Triwardani, [selengkapnya]

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