
International workshop on UI Greenmetric 2017 was hosted by Bülent Ecevit Universit and Istanbul University and held at Baltalimani Social Facilities, Istanbul University, Turkey. In this conference, universities with best position and achievement in UI Greenmetric shared their efforts in improving sustainable environment in their campuses. The conference program was comprised of keynote talks, invited speakers talks, and discussion among many universities. For more information you can click this link

Location : Palace Building, Baltalimani Function Facility, Istanbul University Date : 9 April 2017. This meeting was attended by National Coordinators from Taiwan, Kazakhistan, Malaysia, Iran, Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil, Russia, and 2 country coordinators via Video Conference: Ireland and Saudi Arabia, as well as Rector of Istanbul University, Rector of Bulent Ecevit University, and Representatives from University of Indonesia.                   

UI GreenMetric chairperson, Prof Riri Fitri Sari was invited as a speaker in Qatar The IREG Forum 2017: ‘Excellence as the University Driving Force’ was co-organized by Qatar University and IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (IREG Observatory) on March 13th -14th. There were 120 representatives universities from 35 countries and experts on academic rankings and higher education, including UI GreenMetric. The day one of the forum, the conference was opened by Jan Sadlak (President of the IREG Observatory) and Hassan Rashid Al-Derham (President of Qatar University).Then,  Keynote speeches was delivered by Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim (Board member at Qatar University and Economic Advisor for HH Emir Qatar in Amiri Diwan) and Francisco Marmolejo (Lead, Global Solutions Group in Tertiary Education and Lead Education Specialist for India, World Bank). Prof. Riri Fitri Sari as Chairperson of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings was presence UI GreenMetric update article on the last session which was the sixth session parallel about New Rankings and Rankings-related Initiatives with Waldemar Siwi?ski (President, Perspektywy Education Foundation, Vice-President of IREG Observatory, Poland), Xuejun (Snow) Wang (Ranking Manager, and Shanghai Ranking Consultancy Ltd, China) Moderator of this session was Daniel Guhr, (Managing Director, The Illuminate Consulting Group, USA). In this session, Prof Riri Fitri Sari promoted the UI GreenMetric and presented the "Trend of Sustainable Campus in 2016 in the GreenMetric UI survey" Base on 2016 survey we found that among top 20 UI GreenMetric World Rankings which the average score (of each indicator) has reached more than 50% of the highest score (of each indicator). The highest achievement was for ‘waste’, followed by ‘water’, ‘education’, ‘setting and infrastructure’, ‘transportation’, and ‘energy and climate change’ criteria. The findings suggest that in order to make better impact to the global sustainability environment, universities need to put more efforts on the six criteria above, particularly on ‘energy and climate change’ since higher education has a crucial role to play in addressing these challenges. The Forum was closed by President IREG and President of Qatar University, after the appointment of University of Hasselt, Belgium as the organizer of IREG-9 Conference in 2018. Afterward the Annual membership meeting was held, all conference participants were invited to join tour of the campus and Sustainability Research Center of Qatar University.

Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MEF) of the Republic of Indonesia recognizes that campuses and their students are one of the agents that can form environmentally friendly generation in the face of global climate change. Therefore, the Minister of MEF, Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, invited UI GreenMetric World University Ranking in this routine discussion forum called "Diskusi Pojok Iklim" on 19 January, 2017. Discussion Corner on Climate Change is a weekly agenda of MEF through Control Advisory Council on Climate Change, in order to equalize the level of understanding and vision of all parties in Indonesia in addressing climate change issues. The theme of the discussion was "UI GreenMetric Programs to invite campuses as Agents of Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation". This discussion was attended by the Minister, and the top rank office of the MEF Expert Member of Economics sector and Ministry Senior Advisor Ir. Sarwono Kusumaatmadja, and UI GreenMetric team, Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, Mr. Junaidi, S.S.M.A. and Dr. Nyoman Suwartha. Minister of MEF, Dr. Siti Nurbaya Bakar, expected that the UI GreenMetric programs can be an input for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia in policy formulation and implementation in the sector of green building and more public involvement. The concept of green campus also can be a model as standard application of the concept of green standard of living in all aspects.

GreenMetric names UC Davis the greenest university overall The University of Indonesia’s seventh annual Greenmetric ranking has declared UC Davis the world’s most sustainable university. By using environmental conservation and carbon footprint reduction criteria, UC Davis achieved an aggregate score of 8,396 out of 10,000, while the two runner-ups scored 8,079 and 7,658. UC Davis was ranked highest out of the universities for transportation, including bus and bike usage as part of environmentally-friendly public transportation. UC Davis also achieved a perfect score of 1,800 in the waste section, regarding waste treatment, recycling, paper and plastic policies and sewerage disposal. The ranking, which was announced on Dec. 16, highlights universities that are combating global climate change as well as bolstering energy and water conservation, waste recycling and green transportation. UC Davis scored far ahead of other University of California (UC) campuses, with UC Berkeley earning a 7,156 and UC Riverside earning a 5,346. 516 universities were included in this ranking. Riri Fitri Sara, chairperson of University of Indonesia GreenMetric Rankings of World Universities, congratulated UC Davis on this accomplishment. “UI GreenMetric team is proud to announce [UC Davis] as the greenest and most sustainable campus in 2016 UI GreenMetric Rankings of World Universities,” Sara said via e-mail.  “We congratulate [the] UC Davis team for their achievement in making their campus an excellent example for some criteria in UI GreenMetric.” Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter announced his gratitude toward the UC Davis community in helping reach this impressive position. “This ranking not only reaffirms our standing as a global leader in sustainability, but also demonstrates our continuing commitment,” Hexter said in a press release. “All the credit goes to our staff, faculty, and students for being so dedicated to this cause.” According to Camille Kirk, UC Davis’ assistant director of sustainability, the score reflects the continuous efforts of the university community. “Maybe our UC Davis DNA includes a motivation for sustainability because we have been doing this work for decades,” Kirk said. “The way we run the campus, what we research, what we teach students and many of the activities our campus community undertakes all contribute to striving for a more sustainable campus and a more sustainable future for the globe.” In addition to existing sections of transportation, setting and infrastructure, waste, water and energy and climate change, GreenMetric added an education section in 2012, measuring student performance and achievement. UC Davis has a high individual score of 1,382 within education. “Being externally recognised as number one in the world for our efforts is wonderful,” Kirk said. Anthony Estrada, a third-year managerial economics student, said that he is proud of this achievement, and believes that environmental sustainability is one of UC Davis’ drawing factors. “I chose UC Davis for the academics, but other factors like being really green and environmentally friendly are important,” Estrada said. “I know that’s one of the things that makes UC Davis special.” source: UC Davis ranked most sustainable university in the world

MALACCA: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) has performed well to be ranked number 269 in the 2016 UI GreenMetric World University Ranking list. UTeM’s Centre for Sustainability & Environment director Assoc Prof Juhari Ab Razak said the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking is a system to endorse and recognise initiatives and programmes carried out by universities on environment and sustainability. It is also to provide the result of online survey regarding the current conditions and policies related to Green Campus and sustainability in universities all over the world “Last year’s assessment involved 516 universities from 74 countries. Overall UTeM accumulated 4301 points in six main categories. The categories are Infrastructure, energy, climate change, waste, water, transport and education,” he said in a statement issued today. Prof Juhari said UTeM had carried out various programmes involving sustainability & environment and efforts to save energy at the university level by gazetting policies for the use of energy, waste management and green technology initiatives within the campus. The aim is to trigger the participating university to provide more space for greenery and safeguard environment as well as develop sustainable energy. The recognition shows UTeM’s commitment in carrying out green cluster management and innovative programmes to turn the university into a ‘Green Campus’. Prof Juhari said UTeM believe the recognition from the UI GreenMetric World University would serve as a catalyst to help turn Malacca into a Green Technology City by 2020.-- BERNAMA source: UTEM makes into UI GreenMetric World University list

The seventh annual GreenMetric ranking from the University of Indonesia compared 516 colleges and universities in 74 countries against various sustainability criteria, including energy. University of California Davis in USA was ranked first with a score of 8398, followed by University of Nottingham in the UK and Waganigen University and Research, Netherlands. “This ranking not only reaffirms our standing as a global leader in sustainability but also demonstrates our continuing commitment,” said UC Davis Interim Chancellor Ralph J. Hexter. UC Davis was 3rd on the GreenMetric ranking last year. The indicators used for the ranking and their respective weightings are: Green Statistics (15%) Energy and Climate Change (21%) Waste management (18%) Water usage (10%) Transportation (18%) Education (18%). In terms of energy, UC Davis generates 14 percent of its power supply from a nearby 16MW solar farm, which was the largest behind-the-meter solar power plant on a U.S. college campus when it commenced operations in 2015. The facility was designed to generate 33 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. Solar panels at the plant are mounted on single-axis trackers that increase energy harvest by up to 25 percent compared to fixed-tilt mounting. The clean power station also uses robotic solar panel cleaning that reduces water consumption by approximately 90 percent over traditional cleaning methods. The solar farm is in addition to an existing 5MW of solar panels installed in various locations throughout the campus. UC Davis has committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gases from its buildings and vehicle fleet by 2025 and had set a goal of obtaining 60 percent of its electricity from renewable and carbon-free sources by 2017. Data collection for the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking comes by way of online surveys sent to university administrators. It’s certainly not an exhaustive list of universities – for example, many of Australia’s institutions didn’t participate this year. With regard to Australian universities, the two institutions participating in the GreenMetric rankings for 2016 were the University of New South Wales (24th) and the University of Tasmania (42nd). The full UI GreenMetric World University Ranking list can be viewed here. source: The World’s Greenest University 2016

Depok- University of California Davis di Amerika Serikat dinobatkan menjadi Kampus Hijau Terbaik di Dunia berdasarkan UI GreenMetric World University Ranking 2016. Pada peringkat kedua diduduki oleh University of Nottingham di Inggris dan di posisi ketiga ditempati oleh Waganingen University and Research di Belanda. Sedangkan untuk di Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia (UI) kembali meraih predikat Kampus Hijau Terbaik di Indonesia 2016 yang diikuti oleh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November dan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada urutan kedua dan ketiga. UI menduduki peringkat 31 sedunia. Naik dua peringkat jika dibandingkan pada 2015 lalu UI berada di posisi 33. Pengumuman kampus hijau sedunia ini dilakukan pada Kamis (29/12) di Balai Kirti, Rektorat Universitas Indonesia, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat yang dihadiri oleh Rektor UI Muhammad Anis, Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Imam Hendargo, Dirjen Penelitian Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Muhammad Dimyati dan Ketua UI GreenMetric Prof Riri Fitri Sari. Dipaparkan oleh Prof. Riri, University of California Davis dengan skor 8.398 memiliki keunggulan pada seluruh kriteria di UI GreenMetric sehingga mampu membawa kampus yang merupakan universitas pertanian ini menjadi kampus hijau terbaik di dunia. "University of California Davis menerapkan unsur green dalam seluruh aspek perkuliahan dan penelitiannya. Universitas ini juga unggul dengan penerbitan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup terbanyak," ujar Riri kepada SP usai acara. Sebelumnya pada tahun 2015, posisi pertama selalu diduduki oleh University of Nottingham. Namun pada tahun ini, posisi Nottingham harus tergerus oleh Davis. University of Nottingham sendiri berada di posisi kedua dengan skor 8.079. "Untuk University of Nottingham, mereka menunjukkan keunggulannya pada pengelolaan energi yang baik di dalam kampusnya. Kampus ini memiliki sejumlah inovasi untuk menghasilkan renewable energy melalui solar cell, wind turbin dan pengelolaan smart-eco building," papar Riri. Sedangkan untuk Wageningen University and Research di Belanda meraih skor 7.658 dan menduduki posisi ketiga. Kampus ini, lanjut Riri, memiliki jurusan environmental science yang bereputasi tinggi serta sangat berkomitmen kuat untuk menjaga lingkungan kampusnya tetap asri. UI GreenMetric merupakan inovasi UI yang telah dikenal luas di dunia internasional sebagai pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi pertama di dunia berbasis komitmen tinggi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kampus. Dari tahun ke tahun, terjadi peningkatan antusiasme peserta perguruan tinggi di dunia untuk berpartisipasi dalam pemeringkatan kampus terhijau ini. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari peningkatan jumlah peserta UI GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities di mana pada tahun 2016 menjadi 516 dari 74 negara (tahun 2015 diikuti 407 perguran tinggi dari 65 negara). Prof Riri Fitri Sari menuturkan, pemeringkatan UI Green Metric of World Universities dilandasi oleh tiga filosofi dasar, yakni Environment, Economic, dan Equity (3’Es). Beberapa perbaikan pada metodologi dan survei terus dilakukan oleh Tim UI GreenMetric guna menghasilkan pemeringkatan yang komprehensif, salah satunya dengan mengembangkan bobot indikator penilaian yang terdiri dari Statistik Kehijauan Kampus (15 persen), Pengelolaan Sampah (18 persen), Energi dan Perubahan Iklim (21 persen), Penggunaan Air (10 persen), Transportasi (18 persen), dan Pendidikan (18 persen). Rektor Universitas Indonesia Muhammad Anis mengatakan, pada tahun ini terdapat pula beberapa negara yang baru bergabung yaitu Algeria, Bahrain, Finlandia, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Selandia Baru, Nikaragua, Nigeria, Norwegia, dan Venezuela. Sedangkan di Indonesia, lanjut Anis, terdapat 49 Perguruan Tinggi yang telah berpartisipasi dalam UI GreenMetric dan tengah mengupayakan kualitas kampusnya melalui pemenuhan indikator UI GreenMetric. Diungkap Anis, melalui UI GreenMetric ini, UI konsisten mempertahankan kepeloporannya dalam pengembangan alat ukur kampus hijau yang kini telah banyak diadopsi oleh Perguruan Tinggi di dunia. UI mengambil peran di dalam mendukung pencapaian pengembangan infrastruktur kampus hijau di dunia sebagai upaya mencetak generasi yang peduli akan keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup. "Kami berharap melalui upaya UI GreenMetric ini, Perguruan Tinggi se-dunia mampu mengambil bagian pada upaya preventif dan kuratif dalam rangka mitigasi dampak perubahan iklim. UI terus berupaya untuk membangun generasi yang ramah lingkungan serta menjadi trendsetter dalam pemeringkatan di bidang keberlanjutan dan lingkungan hidup di tingkat dunia," tutur Anis. Sementara itu, Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Imam Hendargo mengapresiasi langkah UI yang menggagas GreenMetric sejak tujuh tahun lalu. "Banyak yang hanya buat kebijakan tapi tidak ada action nya. UI berbeda. Oleh karena itu UI harus mampu menularkan hal baik ini ke seluruh universitas di Indonesia agar seluruh universitas dapat menjadi universitas hijau yang peduli lingkungan," tutur Imam. Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan menyatakan siap mendukung UI untuk terus mengembangkan GreenMetric ini agar menjadi lebih meluas dan dirasakan manfaatnya tidak hanya oleh lingkungan kampus tetapi juga untuk orang lain di luar Universitas Indonesia. source: UI Kembali Raih Kampus Hijau Terbaik di Indonesia – Ajang bergengsi tentang lingkungan hidup yang digagas Universitas Indonesia untuk skala internasional mulai menyedot perhatian dunia. Untuk tahun ini, kompetisi yang dikenal dengan sebutan UI GreenMetric World University Ranking 2016 itu telah diikuti 516 perguruan tinggi. Dan hasilnya, University of California Davis, California, Amerika Serikat menjadi Kampus Hijau Terbaik di dunia. Sedangkan peringkat kedua dan ketiga adalah University of Nottingham, Inggris dan Waganingen University & Research, Belanda. “University of California Davis dengan skor 8398 ini memiliki keunggulan pada seluruh kriteria di UI Green Metric sehingga mampu membawanya meraih predikat perguruan tinggi hijau terbaik nomor satu dunia,” kata Rektor UI M. Anis pada wartawan, Jumat, 30 Desember 2016. Dia menjelaskan, universitas tersebut merupakan universitas pertanian terbesar di Amerika Serikat yang menerapkan unsur ramah lingkungan dalam seluruh aspek perkuliahan dan penelitiannya. “Sedangkan University of Nottingham dengan skor 8079 menunjukkan keunggulannya pada pengelolaan energi yang baik di dalam kampusnya. Kampus ini memiliki sejumlah inovasi untuk menghasilkan renewable energy melalui solar cell, wind turbin dan pengelolaan smart-eco building,” tuturnya. Sementara Wageningen University & Research meraih skor 7658 itu merupakan universitas yang memiliki jurusan ilmu lingkungan yang bereputasi tinggi serta sangat berkomitmen kuat untuk menjaga lingkungan kampusnya tetap asri. UI GreenMetric merupakan inovasi UI yang telah dikenal luas di dunia internasional sebagai pemeringkat perguruan tinggi pertama di dunia berbasis komitmen tinggi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kampus. Dari tahun ke tahun, UI mengklaim telah terjadi peningkatan antusiasme peserta perguruan tinggi di dunia untuk berpartisipasi dalam ajang tersebut. Hal itu dilihat dari peningkatan jumlah peserta UI Green Metric Ranking of World Universities, pada 2016 menjadi 516 peserta dari 74 negara. Partisipasi itu naik dibanding 2015 yang diikuti 407 perguruan tinggi dari 65 negara. Terdapat pula beberapa negara yang baru bergabung pada 2016 yaitu Algeria, Bahrain, Finlandia, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Selandia Baru, Nikaragua, Nigeria, Norwegia dan Venezuela. Sedangkan di Indonesia, terdapat 49 Perguruan Tinggi yang telah berpartisipasi dalam UI Green Metric dan tengah mengupayakan kualitas kampusnya melalui pemenuhan indikator UI Green Metric. “UI melalui UI GreenMetric konsisten mempertahankan kepeloporannya dalam pemeringkatan UI GreenMetric melalui pengembangan alat ukur kampus hijau yang kini telah banyak diadopsi oleh perguruan tinggi di dunia. UI berbangga hati dapat mengambil peran di dalam mendukung pencapaian pengembangan infrastruktur kampus hijau di dunia sebagai upaya mencetak generasi yang peduli akan keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup,” kata Anis. Dia berharap, melalui upaya UI GreenMetric ini, perguruan tinggi se-dunia mampu mengambil bagian pada upaya preventif dan kuratif dalam rangka mitigasi dampak perubahan iklim. “UI terus berupaya untuk membangun generasi yang ramah lingkungan serta menjadi trend setter dalam pemeringkatan di bidang keberlanjutan dan lingkungan hidup di tingkat dunia,” tuturnya. Sementara itu, untuk tingkat Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia kembali meraih predikat Kampus Hijau Terbaik di Indonesia 2016. Kemudian di peringkat kedua Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November dan Institut Pertanian Bogor pada ketiga. Pengumuman dilakukan pada Kamis 29 Desember 2016 di kampus UI Depok yang disaksikan oleh Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Siti Nurbaya Bakar, Dirjen Penelitian Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Muhammad Dimyati beserta Rektor UI dan Ketua UI GreenMetric Riri Fitri Sari.   source: Standar Kampus Hijau Gagasan UI Sedot Perhatian Dunia

UI GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities organized a National Workshop hosted at Universitas Indonesia on October 19th , participated by more than 25 Universities in Indonesia. The workshop was opened by Prof. Dr. Adi Zakaria Afiff, S.E., M.B.A as a Vice Rector of Universitas Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., M.M. as a Chairman of UI GreenMetric. The first workshop session introduced the UI GreenMetric Ranking in general, presented by Junaidi, S.S, M.A. Next session was about the indicator and scoring of UI GreenMetric questionnaire, presented by  Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T, M.T, M.Agr. The last workshop session coaching clinic about how to fill out the online questionnaire in step by step, coached by Daru Widya, S.Kom., M.Kom and Andri Setyawan, S.Kom. After the last session of workshop, representative of The Health, Safety, and Environment Office Universitas Indonesia, Dr. Budi Hartono shared some best practices about Green Campus in Universitas Indonesia. The committee also provided campus tour for participants in the end of the event to show them real best practices of sustainability efforts in Universitas Indonesia. This workshop was expected to encourage Indonesian Universities to join in UI GreenMetric and put more effort in implementation of the Green Campus.

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