International Community Services 2021 Jombang hosted by Universitas Airlangga was held for three days, 5-7 October 2021, through hybrid (Offline at Dusun Mendiro and Online via Zoom). The event was opened by Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development Universitas Airlangga), Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, M.T, M.Sc (Expert Member of Data, System and IT, UI GreenMetric World University Rangkings), Prof. Dr. Moh. Yasin, M.Si (Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga) and Miftahul Ulum, S.T., M.Si (Chairperson of Jombang Environmental Services). It is hoped that this community services activity can build and provide knowledge to the Dusun Mendiro residents about the importance of maintaining environmental conservation, in this case, water resources as well as promoting tourism and local product branding. The event then continued with a procession of tree handovers by Prof. Dr. Moh. Yasin, M.Si, to the representative of Dusun Mendiro residents and ended with taking a group photo session.
Figure 1. Opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (top-left), Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, M.T, M.Sc (top-right), Prof. Dr. Moh. Yasin, M.Si (bottom-left), Miftahul Ulum, S.T., M.Si (bottom-right)
Figure 2. Procession of tree handovers from Prof. Dr. Moh. Yasin, M.Si to the representative of Dusun Mendiro residents
The event on the first day then continued with a presentation from three key speakers with the theme “Environmental Management Socialization and Counseling” which was hosted by Herlina Putri. The first topic presented by Drs. Trisnadi Widyaleksono C.P., M.Si explained that determining river water quality can be done by conducting biomonitoring which categorizes water quality using biological organisms by taking samples every 1 minute or using distance/gaps and then sorting. The organism identified were macroinvertebrates such as EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera). The topic then continued by Dr. Sucipto Hariyanto, DEA, who presented the importance of water resources conservation which aims to maintain the existence and sustainability of the nature and function of water resources so that they are always available in quantities and qualities. Three conservation activities that can be carried out : protecting the preservation of water resources, water preservation, and water quality management and water pollution control. The first day topic ended with a presentation by Nita Citrasari, S.Si., M.Si about domestic waste management, where domestic waste management itself is waste that comes from household activities, and plastic waste is the most produced. There is need participation from every layer to manage domestic waste, including governments that compile rules or regulations, academics to develop innovations in processing plastic waste, the businessman who develop the plastic waste recycling industry, and residents to comply with applicable rules and implement 3R (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle). The first day of the event ended with a questions and answers session from participants to speakers.
Figure 3. “Environmental Management Socialization and Counseling” hosted by Herlina Putri (top-left) and speakers : Drs. Trisnadi Widyaleksono C.P., M.Si (top-right), Dr. Sucipto Hariyanto, DEA (bottom-left), Nita Citrasari, S.Si., M.Si (bottom-right)
The second day of the event started with a presentation by Taufik, S.T, M.Kom explained that in social media branding, there are three media that are generally used, images, videos, audios, or it can be a combination of several media. For social media branding, we can use existing and generally accessible tools such as Canva. The second day of the event was closed with a tree name information sign handover from Dr. Rimuljo Hendradi, S.Si., M.Si to Wagisan.
The last day of International Community Services 2021 Jombang is a webinar with the theme “National and International Community Services Sharing Session: Challenge and Opportunity.” Avisa Retno as the host of this activity, opened this webinar. This is followed by opening remarks from dr. Muhammad Miftahussurur, M.Kes., Sp. PD-KEGH, Ph.D (Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization and Information Universitas Airlangga) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., (Chairman of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings). It is hoped that we can learn and share programs and innovations related to community services and development with this webinar.
Figure 4. Opening remarks by dr. Muhammad Miftahussurur, M.Kes., Sp. PD-KEGH, Ph.D (left) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.Sc., (right)
The webinar then started with a presentation by four panelists and was moderated by Dr. Nurina Fitriani, S.T (Project Officer Internasional Community Services 2021 Jombang). First panelist, Dr. M. Mukhsin Jamil, M.Ag (Vice-Rector I, UIN Walisongo Semarang), presented that at UIN Walisongo Semarang, there is a community that is responsible for Green Campus named WEGreen (Walisongo Eco Green Campus). The development strategy includes lecturer services, student participation through KKN (community services activities), and collaborating with strategic partners. Next panelist, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Community Development, Universitas Airlangga), explained that at Universitas Airlangga there are several community services have been carried out, such as teaching hospitals and research institute, psychological service center of UNAIR, legal consulting and aid Center of UNAIR, floating hospital Ksatria Airlangga and disaster management and mitigation involving multi-disciplinary faculties. For community development, there is World Universities Association for Community Development (WUACD) with 20 universities as a partner and Inter-Professional Education UNAIR that involves professionals from various disciplines.
Figure 5. “Environmental Management Socialization and Counseling” panelists : Dr. M. Mukhsin Jamil, M.Ag (top-left), Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih (top-right), Dr. Revency Vania Rugebregt, S.H., M.H (bottom-left) and Dr. Nanik Siti Aminah, M.Si (bottom-right)
The webinar was followed by Dr. Revency Vania Rugebregt, S.H., M.H (Lecturer Universitas Pattimura) as a panelist about research and community services; Universitas Pattimura is more focused on marine development. The last panelist, Dr. Nanik Siti Aminah, M.Si (Lecturer Universitas Airlangga), explained that at Universitas Airlangga, international community services had been carried out continuously for four years at Sine Beach, Dusun Sine. Participated by Universitas Airlangga students and international students (from Malaysia, Nigeria, Bangladesh), this program is beneficial not only for them but also for people of Sine Beach, Dusun Sine. At the end of the webinar, participants can directly ask questions to the panelist. After approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes, the host, Avisa Retno K, closed the webinar, which also marked the end of International Community Services 2021 Jombang.