
Bhartesh Singh Thakur Tribune News Service Chandigarh, December 17 Universitas Indonesia (UI) GreenMetric Rankings 2017, an international ranking which measures how green is campus, has placed the Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, at rank 1. Its world rank is 164. Among Indian institiutions, it is followed by the Manipal Academy of Higher Education at 221st rank and Mangalore University at 231st position.A total of 619 universities across the world in the country were of IIITM, Manipal Academy of Higher Education and Mangalore University.This year, the National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, HP, whose world rank is 318th, is at 8th rank in India, while Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, which is placed at 541st rank globally, is at 14th rank at national level. Panjab University, Chandigarh, has been ranked 21 in the country while its world ranking is at 593rd. In 2016, 516 universities participated and the PU was at 486th position while nationally it was at 19th rank. Methodology Setting and green spaces contribute 15 per cent while about 21 per cent marks are given on energy-efficient appliances usage, renewable energy usage policy, total electricity use, energy conservation programme, green building, climate change adaptation and mitigation programme and greenhouse gas emission reductions policy. About 18 per cent marks are for waste treatment and recycling. As many as 18 per cent marks are for transportation policy to limit the number of motor vehicles on the campus and use of campus bus and bicycle, and also the pedestrian policy, which encourages students and staff to walk around the campus and avoid using private vehicles. Quantum of water usage has 10 per cent marks. Education criteria which has 18 per cent marks, is based on the thought that the university has an important role in creating the new generation concern with sustainability issues. Here, number of courses, publications, events, funds available related to environment and sustainability are evaluated.   Source : PU at 21st position in UI GreenMetric Rankings

La Universidad Autónoma de Occidente ocupó el puesto 67 en la clasificación UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, publicada por la Universidad de Indonesia. La Universidad Autónoma de Occidente de Cali es la primera más sostenible de Colombia y tercera de Latinoamérica, según la clasificación UI GreenMetric World University Ranking que publicó la Universidad de Indonesia. En el ranking, que evaluó la sostenibilidad ambiental de 619 instituciones de educación superior a nivel mundial en 2017, la universidad colombiana ocupó el puesto 67. Lea también: La sostenibilidad no llega a los territorios.  Este logro supone un avance en las acciones académicas, de investigación y de proyección social, realizadas en el marco del proyecto Campus Sostenible, que promueve el compromiso y la responsabilidad ambiental en la universidad, teniendo en cuenta que el año anterior estuvo en el puesto 154 de ranking, y en el 163 para el 2015. Puede leer: La universidad privada más verde. “Pienso que este ranking es una forma de medir la sostenibilidad universitaria y su nueva forma de evaluación replanteó a muchas universidades en el ranking para ser más evidente y menos cuantitativo. Nos vimos beneficiados porque pudimos mostrar mucho más de nuestras acciones sostenibles”, aseguró Carlos Borrero, miembro del proyecto Campus Sostenible. Para reconocer los campus universitarios más verdes del mundo, la Universidad de Indonesia tiene en cuenta factores como los logros en temas relacionados con entorno y la infraestrucura, en el cual laAutónoma de Occidente obtuvo un puntaje de 677; energía y cambio climático, 1.191; agua, 750; residuos, 1.551; transporte, 811; y educación, 965 puntos. Así, la institución logró una sumatoria de 5.245 puntos. “La forma de calificar de la Universidad de Indonesia en el GreenMetric cambió, ya no solo solicitan datos sino evidencias. Por ello, enviamos archivos, fotografías y vídeos de las acciones sostenibles de las cuales tenemos la información actualizada y de nuestra mejora continua”, sostuvo Borrero. ¿Cómo lo lograron? El ascenso continuo de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente en el ranking se debe, sobre todo, a la realización de proyectos que contribuyen a la producción de energía limpia. Lea también: Promueven la hidroelectricidad como fuente de energía limpia y sostenible. “Influyó en el tema de energía, la segunda fase del Sistema Solar Fotovoltaico, proyectos como el cambio de iluminación fluorescente ailuminación LED y el cambio de tecnología del sistema de enfriamiento del aire acondicionado del Edificio Central. Estos aspectos mejoraron la eficiencia y automatización del Campus”, indicó Borrero. Agregó que, para el año 2018, la universidad cuenta con varias iniciativas de sostenibilidad enmarcadas dentro del proyecto de Campus Sostenible y del Plan 2030 de la Institución. “Seguiremos trabajando en acciones que contribuyan a ser más eficientes, debido a que el próximo año habrá más consumo energético con el ingreso de ascensores en los edificios de aulas y en Bienestar Universitario, así como el sistema de aires acondicionados en los salones de clases. Por ello, debemos ocuparnos por adquirir ascensores y aires acondicionados eficientes y que produzcan el menor impacto para el ambiente”, precisó Borrero. Otra de las acciones que tienen pensadas es fortalecer el tema académico, de investigación y cultura. “La idea es impactar con proyectos sostenibles las obras que desarrolle la universidad en su crecimiento locativo, a mediano plazo”, concluye Carlos Borrero. En contexto El ranking GreenMetric-GM- se realiza desde el año 2010, con el fin de proporcionar un perfil de las universidades que están comprometidas con generar un impacto positivo en cuanto a las temáticas ambientales. Destacar a las instituciones que hacen una operación administrativa y educativa sostenible y sustentable, ya que ayudan a reducir las emisiones de carbono a través del uso eficiente de la energía, la ecologización del campus y la gestión y reciclaje de sus residuos. El ranking 2017 liderado, con 7.552 puntos, por la Universidad de Wageningen y Centro de Investigación en Países Bajos, cuenta con cinco universidades de Inglaterra, dos de Estados Unidos, una de Italia y de una de Alemania en el top 10. Otras universidades del continente que se encuentran en el ranking del top 100 son la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el puesto 69, Universidad del Rosario en el 72, Fundación Universidad del Norte Barranquilla en el 85 y la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon en el puesto 89. Puede leer: La casa sostenible de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Source : Universidad caleña está entre las más sostenibles del mundo, según GreenMetric

Wageningen University & Research is the greenest and most sustainable university in the world, according to the latest GreenMetric ranking by Universitas Indonesia (UI), where Wageningen takes the top spot. WUR appeared on the ranking for the first time three years ago at 36th place. Every year the University of Indonesia ranks how universities around the world deal with for example CO2 emissions, chemical waste and water recycling, on the basis of questionnaires and a panel of experts. The university scoring the best in all the categories is permitted to call itself the world’s greenest and most sustainable in the world for one year. Wageningen scored most points in the category Waste. The maximum points were scored in this category. The least points were achieved in the category Transport. Wageningen has leaped up the rankings looking at the past three years, with first place this year as the highpoint. According to Erna Maters, member of staff responsible for corporate social responsibility (CSR), first place was achieved primarily as a result of the evidence. “This year we have simply had to submit a lot of evidence to back up our claims. We were able to do this in a very sound way, and that I believe is an important reason for our top position.” This year, a total of 619 universities from 76 countries participated in the UI GreenMetric ranking.  Source : Wageningen - the world's greenest university

UNIVERSITAS Indonesia (UI) menduduki peringkat ke-23 sebagai kampus terhijau (ramah lingkungan) dunia versi UI Green Metric World University Rankings 2017, atau mengalami penaikan dari tahun sebelumnya yang berada pada peringkat ke-31 dunia. "UI melalui UI Green Metric konsisten mempertahankan kepeloporannya dalam pemeringkatan sustainability perguruan tinggi melalui pengembangan alat ukur kampus hijau yang kini telah banyak diadopsi oleh universitas di dunia. UI terus berupaya untuk membangun generasi yang ramah lingkungan," kata Rektor UI Prof Muhammad Anis seusai acara Pengumuman Perguruan Tinggi Terhijau Dunia di Makara Art Centrum UI Depok, kemarin. UI Green Metric merupakan inovasi UI yang telah dikenal luas di dunia internasional sebagai pemeringkatan perguruan tinggi pertama di dunia berbasis komitmen tinggi dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kampus. Tahun ini, pemering-katan UI Green Metric diikuti 619 perguruan tinggi dari 76 negara. Secara nasional UI mendudukui peringkat pertama sebagai kampus terhijau, sedangkan pada peringkat ke-2 ialah Institut Pertanian Bogor. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November berada pada peringkat ke-3. Selanjutnya, Universitas Negeri Semarang (4), Universitas Sebelas Maret (5), Universitas Diponegoro (6), Universitas Brawijaya (7), Universitas Islam Indonesia (8), Telkom University (9), dan Universitas Padjadjaran (10). Adapun secara global, dalam pemeringkatan UI Green Metric,University of Wageningen, Belanda, menjadi kampus hijau terbaik di dunia. "Universitas ini menerapkan unsur green dalam seluruh aspek perkuliahan dan penelitiannya," kata Ketua UI GreenMetric Prof Riri Fitri Sari pada kesempatan sama. Peringkat kedua dan ketiga diraih University of Nottingham, Inggris, dan University of California, Amerika. University of Nottingham menunjukkan keunggulannya pada pendidikan dan pengolahan sampah, serta kampus ini memiliki sejumlah inovasi untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan melalui pemanfaatan biomassa, sel surya, geotermal, combine heat and power, dan pengelolaan smart-eco building. Adapun University of California merupakan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki jurusan ilmu lingkungan bereputasi tinggi serta berkomitmen kuat untuk menjaga lingkungan kampusnya tetap asri.   Source : UI Kampus Terhijau Ke-23 di Dunia

[gview file=""]   Source : Perguruan Tinggi Peduli Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

The Thailand's 2017 SUN conference was held on November 23, 2017 which took place at Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. The event themed "Innovation and Partnership for Sustainable Society" was started with remarks from the chairman of the event, Prof. Boonchai Stitmannaithum, Vice President for Physical Resources Management. Subsequently, four speakers conveyed their keynote speeches, i.e. Mr.Yoshiaki Ishimoto, Vice President of Toyota and Daihatsu Engineering and Manufacturing, Mr. Kris Imsang, Senior Executive Vice President, Human Resource and Organization, Dr. Patima Sinthupinyo, Senior Sustainability Advisor of Siam Cement Group (SCG), and Dr. Baiduri Widanarko, Expert Member of UI GreenMetric. In her keynote speech, Dr. Baiduri Widanarko explained current Developments in UI GreenMetric Rankings and described the achievements of the UI GreenMetric indicator statistical analysis of all university in Thailand which participated in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2016. At the end of the keynote speech session. Dr. Baiduri thanked the host from Mahidol University and Technology Advisor of the Sustainable University Network of Thailand, as Thailand's UI GreenMetric Network coordinator. He proposed the UI GreenMetric to attend the SUN Conference event. In addition, after giving keynote speech there were also some participants who met and exchanged business cards with Dr. Baiduri. One of them was Mr. Veerapong from Walailak University. In front of the workshop room, precisely near the registration table, there were several posters from the selected paper in SUN Conference. After all the sessions on the first day were over, then the next session was the Gala Dinner which was attended by all speakers and SUN Conference participants. Dinner was held on the 20th floor of Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building, Chulalongkorn University, seen from here the beautiful night scene of the city of Bangkok. On this occasion used the participants to talk and exchange information their campus, respectively accompanied by music from Chulalongkorn students. Dr. Baiduri sat on the table with representatives from Siam University. In the second day, The UI GreenMetric workshop session took place in room 3 (703) Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building, Chulalongkorn University. Aside from the UI GreenMetric session, there were two other workshops in 2 different rooms. In this session, Dr. Baiduri explained the stages in completing the questionnaire and explanation of the UI GreenMetric indicators. Participants seemed very enthusiastic in listening to the explanation and asked some questions on indicators that they still did not understand. At the end of the workshop session, a photo was taken with the participants of UI GreenMetric Workshop in SUN Conference. In addition, Dr. Baiduri also took a picture with Dr. Korb Limsuank, SUN Conference Coordinator. After the completion of all the sessions, Dr. Baiduri was invited to tour around the Chulalongkorn campus park. In the front of the park, we could found a beautiful lake, which around the lake there are plants and flowers. In addition, the interesting thing is the edge of this lake, there is a unique bike that is designed to support in a green campus, where visitors can ride stationary bikes to create movement and introduce more oxygen into the water. Entrance into the area within the park, there is a wide range of plants and also the presence of buildings that are designed underground and above the building, there are various kinds of plants and walkways. The beautiful atmosphere in the central garden of this city was felt, although, in the city center surrounded by tall buildings, there was still a beautiful garden that can be useful as an oxygen producer and to reduce pollution.

Mr. Andri Setiyawan, Programmer of UI GreenMetric, had the opportunity to visit and internship program at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan on 1-12 September 2017. For 12 days, he learned about system sustainability management office, information and data collection related to sustainability and studied a variety of innovations and best practices carried out in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, especially in the field of energy management and sustainability. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has the largest campus in Kazakhstan with an area of 100 hectares, in one of the most beautiful areas of Almaty. The education infrastructure of the campus consists of 13 education buildings with a total area of 165,000 m² and scientific laboratories with a total area of 18,940 m². Al-Farabi Kazakh National University team who submit UI Greenmetric data under the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Science Section, led by Prof. Dr. Vitaly Salnikov Geogr.Sci.. Mr. Andri had the opportunity to meet and discuss with him directly. In this discussion, the KazNU would make effort to submit questionnaire their data well. So, the KazNU Ranking can increase. Currently, the KazNu has evolved into an implementation of Green energy with Green Techno Park (GTP). GTP has several renewable energy innovations, which are 1. Water Management Using the artificial river in the KazNU, the water flow is fitted with generator 2. Waste Management Using food waste 3. Solar Energy Management Using Solar Panel 4. Wind Energy Management Using windmill 5. Hydrogen Energy Management in the development stage, there is no prototype Monitor of renewable energy Prototype of waste management Prototype of renewable energy Although for now, the innovation is still a prototype, possibly several years ahead the KazNU can realize the prototype of this renewable energy in the campus. For Electricity, the KazNU does not use many LEDs, but they use other tools to save electricity consumption in lights. This tool made from Germany. All of the KazNU use this tool for the lamp.

The theme of the World Education Day (WED) 2017 was "Inheritance, Innovation, Cooperation, and Development". This event took place on September 27-29, 2017 at the Dalian International Convention Center, China. World Education Day (WED) is a gathering platform for educators, researchers, Chinese language and culture lovers, philanthropist, and policymakers. It supposes to create an unprecedented diversified platform where participants could have a comprehensive understanding of the world evolving culture of education and pedagogy. WED 2017 showcased the latest trend of the education industry. Experts from different countries shared their latest skills in transferring education through modern technologies. On the first day, the topics/materials presented mostly on education related to academic, policy, leadership, collaboration and innovation. However, there were several topics related to UI GreenMetric (green and sustainable campus theme), such as (1) Activities of Campus Sustainability Network in Japan (CAS-Net JAPAN) and (2) Training Project on Regional Rehabilitation for Safer and More Secure Society in Fukushima without Nuclear Energy, both the themes were presented by Prof. Takayuki Nakamura, President, National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College; Executive Director, Campus Sustainability Network in Japan (CAS-Net JAPAN), Japan. The CAS-Net JAPAN presentation explained that some Japan's top universities have established a network of sustainable campus, similar to the Sustainability University Network (SUN) in Thailand. CAS-Net JAPAN was formed in 2014, consisted of 9 universities: Hokkaido University, Iwate University, Chiba University, Kyoto University, Kyoto University CO-OP, Ritsumeikan University, Naruto University of Education, Ehime University, and Fukushima College. CAS-Net JAPAN has also been actively participating in sustainability association such as AASHE, ISCN, and SUN. The social dinner program was organized for the "Launching Ceremony & Welcome Reception" as the inauguration of the opening of the 1st World Education Day. The event which started the next morning on September 28, 2017, coinciding with the birthday of Confucius. In this gala dinner, some remarks from the organizing committee invited guests (VIP), Ministry of Higher Education of China, UNESCO, were presented. Then, it was continued with the screening of Confucius dance, music, while the participants were enjoyed the networking dinner provided. On the second day, the Opening Ceremony which coincided with the birthday celebrations of Confucius, a traditional Chinese reverence ceremony dedicated to Confucius for his services in the world of education and development of knowledge/technology in Chinese were presented. Subsequently, in the Keynote Forum session, there were 4 keynote speeches. One of keynote speakers was Prof. Shuji Nakamura from University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, 2014. Then, the event was assembled with a High-End Dialogue, in the form of a question and answer session until 13:30 during lunchtime. The Session after lunch break was a parallel session. In this session, the UI GreenMetric Secretary, Dr. Nyoman Suwartha presented UI GreenMetric updates entitled “The Role of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings as a Supporting Tool for Campus Sustainable Development in Global Universities”. Presentation of UI GreenMetric received excellent response from audience that it was delivered directly after presentation, during informal talks, lunch and dinner discussions. Some new universities were very enthusiastic and eager to join UI GreenMetric. Participant from the USA (University of West Georgia), Dr. Anne Merrem was pleased to promote UI GreenMetric to her colleagues and related universities. On the third day of WED 2017, the presentation that relevant to the UI GreenMetric is "Strategies for a Sustainable Campus in Osaka University" presented by Dr. Yukiko Yoshida, President of Yoshida Environmental Design Associates; Visiting Academic Staff, Osaka University; Japan. In her presentation, Dr. Yukiko Yoshida introduced Osaka University's policies in an effort to reduce carbon emissions through energy-saving strategies. Osaka University installed renewable energy technology to realize sustainable campus. Compared to 2010 data, Osaka University's energy consumption in 2015 per floor space decreased by 23.7%. Osaka University achieved several awards as an institution that successfully implemented carbon reduction and saving energy. Seeing the success of this event and the good response from WED participants, the organizing committee intended to continue this activity on a regular basis and scheduled WED # 2 in 2018, at the same place. Some potential cooperation especially related to UI GreenMetric network hub can be proposed in the near future, and so that open up more possibility to grasp more participants of UI GreenMetric.

On October 3rd, 2017, the National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Universities in the Nordic countries was hosted by the Aalborg University in their Copenhagen campus. The event was conducted in A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, room 3.084A 2450 København SV, Denmark. The building was acquired by the Aalborg University from Nokia. It was attended by 15 participants from Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland Universities. Ms. Birte Hornemann of Aalborg University, and Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, University of Indonesia, opened this workshop. In the first session, Ms. Birte Hornemann welcome the participants to their beautiful and clean campus that is surrounded by Canals. The state of the art of UI GreenMetric Ranking of World Universities and the UI GreenMetric Network was showcased by Mr. Junaidi, M. A, an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric. Subsequently, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, University of Indonesia, explained UI GreenMetric Indicators and Data Submission Process. In the afternoon session, Mr. Andreas Rasmussen, Head of Administration & Planning, Campus Service, Aalborg University presented the data collection process from a university point of view. The Data Submission process was guided by Prof. Riri Fitri Sari. The last session was a sharing session by the NSCN (Nordic Sustainable Campus Network), Ms. Meri Loyttyniemi from Aalto University, Finland. Copenhagen has become a beautiful great city with a historical background. Copenhagen is an environmentally friendly city. Some local participants from Copenhagen University and Denmark Technical university use bicycles to come to yo Alborg University campus.

The seminar was organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in collaboration with RUS (Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile), that was held on Friday, 29 September 2017. This oldest university in the western world, dated from 1088 plays the role of Coordinator of Network Hub for UI GreenMetric. The Bologna GreenMetric workshop was aimed to highlight the commitment of Italian universities towards a sustainable 360° approach in terms of infrastructures, green area, energy, mobility, and education. It was attended by more than 60 participants from 30 Universities. The workshop was opened by Vice Rector Mirko Degli Esposti. Subsequently, the Italian university network for sustainable development (RUS) was presented by Alessandra Bonoli of the University of Bologna. Subsequently, a testimony from Mara Magni, a Ph.D. Student from the University of Bologna that goes from Bologna to Norway by bike as the traces of sustainability was presented with an interesting video of the involvement of you generations toward sustainability. In the first session, UI GreenMetric Chairperson, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, presented the trends and current development in UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and Methodology. Mr. Junaidi, an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric, showcased the ranking’s structure and indicators in details and UI GreenMetric data submission process. Italian participants asked several issues concerning how to properly represent the specificity of the Italian universities for the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. In the second session, in the afternoon, Academic rankings and their impact were discussed and was chaired by Mirko Degli Esposti, Vice Rector, Università di Bologna. This session invited a journalist from La Repubblica, Corrado Zunino, to share and discuss how can media help to raise awareness of the meaning and proper use of UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. The last session presented case studies and good practices in order to share organizational and strategic solutions in the field of sustainability, there are 2 parts of the session. In the first part, this session chaired by Luciana Sacchetti, Research Quality Valorisation Unit of Università di Bologna shared about the comparison of choices and criteria adopted for data transfer. The speakers such as Marta Cardin, professor, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Elena Forti, ranking officer, Università di Torino, Monica Cazzolle, ranking officer, Università di Bari, and Olivia Benardi, Unibo Sostenibile, Università di Bologna. Subsequently, Good practice in communicating the academic strategy for sustainability (in Italian) was the second part of this session. The moderator was Prof. Marta Cardin of Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia. This session was presented by Fabio Pranovi, Delegate for Sustainability, from Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice, Sergio Scamuzzi, Vice Rettore alla Comunicazione di Ateneo, from Università di Torino, Angelo Paletta, delegato al Bilancio, from Università di Bologna, and Prof. Angelo Tursi from Università di Bari. During the visit to the University of Bologna, UI GreenMetric Team had the opportunity to visit the campuses of the University of Bologna, which are scattered in the beautiful medieval city of Bologna, and some anglo saxon like campuses in the outskirts of the city such as the Faculty of Agriculture. The university has many programs for sustainability, large Gardens, and Green Building. As the place where the 1988 Magna Charta Universitatum were signed, the university has been a historical place in which the Bologna Process and Student Mobility programs were initiated. The Rectorate building of Palazzo Poggi has a great old library from the year 1750 and Museum of science with a rich historical collection. During the morning session, UI GreenMetric Team discussed several issues with University of Bologna's Rector Francesco Umbertini, and attended the welcoming session for more than 1000 international student at the Piazza Maggiore, as well as witnessed the European Research night that has been organised in 14 spots around the city to communicate research to the society. [video width="640" height="352" mp4=""][/video]

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