
On the 3rd of November, 2023, UI GreenMetric conducted an Instagram Live Discussion on "The Importance of Green Spaces on Sustainable Campus" The discussion was presided over by two distinguished speakers - Prof. Dr. Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, ST, MT, MPS, the Head of the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, and Assoc. Prof. Drs. Suparto, M.Pd, the Assistant Rector for International Accreditation at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. The discussion aimed to highlight the importance of green spaces in ensuring the sustainability of campuses. Both speakers, with their extensive academic knowledge and professional experience, provided valuable insights on the subject. The discussion covered a range of topics, including the significance of green spaces in improving the quality of life on campuses, the role of green spaces in enhancing the campus environment, and the advantages of green spaces in mitigating the effects of climate change. During the discussion, Professor Dr. Ing. Wiwandari Handayani, ST, MT, MPS, highlighted the paramount importance of the implementation of green spaces, particularly on campus, in promoting sustainable development and reducing carbon emission footprint. Universities play a crucial role in their surrounding environment, and it is incumbent upon them to set an excellent example for the community and the environment. These areas can support students and other university members in diverse activities, ranging from academic pursuits, such as studying and discussions, and other activities. Associate Professor Dr. Suparto, M.Pd., emphasizes the criticality of prioritizing green spaces within university premises. In contrast to previous years, present-day students exhibit heightened awareness of the significance of having a green campus. This awareness is reflected in the increasing implementation of green initiatives. A green campus presents an opportunity for academic institutions to introduce students to a healthier and more eco-friendly environment. By creating comfortable and aesthetically pleasing green spaces throughout the campus, universities can promote environmental consciousness and good health among their student body. We have the power to create a sustainable future, and together, we can take action and make it happen. Let's unite with confidence and determination toward a better tomorrow. Streaming Live on Instagram: Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

On the 7th of November 2023, UI GreenMetric held an Instagram Live Discussion on "The Role of Green Heroes in Creating a Sustainable Campus." The forum featured three distinguished speakers - Sabarrudin, Ph.D., who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Sriwijaya, Dr. Heni Masruroh, M.Sc, who is the Head of the Center for Environment, Mitigation, and Disaster at Universitas Negeri Malang, and Herik Sugeru, S.P, M.M.S.I., who is the Head of Urban Lab and Smart Farming at Universitas Gunadarma. The discussion was focused on the significance of green heroes in promoting sustainable practices in campus environments. The objective of the discussion was to explore the importance of green heroes in promoting and implementing sustainable practices in the campus environment. The speakers, who are experts in the field of sustainability, shared their experiences and insights into the role of green heroes in driving sustainable development. During the discussion, Sabarrudin, PhD emphasized the three fundamental principles that the institution follows to promote awareness and encourage sustainable behavior. The first principle is education, which encompasses the curriculum on sustainability, eco-friendly actions that students can adopt to promote sustainability, and various other applications. The second principle is research and publication, whereby Universitas Sriwijaya allocates 15-20% of its budget towards researching the environment and sustainability. The third principle emphasizes devotion to community involvement, where the institution supports students' commitment to the community and society to raise awareness toward a sustainable future. Dr. Heni Masruroh highlighted the significance of Green Heroes in promoting sustainable campuses, particularly in Universitas Negeri Malang. A sustainable campus aims to create a green and comfortable environment that fosters academic excellence. The university has integrated various work programs aligned with sustainable environments, including the "Penanaman 1000 pohon" initiative that involves planting a thousand trees to transform the campus into a greener environment. Such strategic initiatives significantly enhance the institution's sustainability and promote its commitment to environmental preservation. Herik Sugeru emphasized the crucial role of Green Heroes in addressing the challenges and obstacles towards achieving sustainable practices at the university. He underscores the need for collaboration across diverse levels of the institution to develop policies that support sustainability, the action that focuses on creating a greener and more sustainable university environment, and more. Such efforts will require collective commitment and a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that Universitas Gunadarma can effectively tackle the complex issues related to sustainability and contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Remember that we hold the key to a greener tomorrow and can achieve it by joining forces. Let's take action today and work together to build a sustainable future we can all be proud of! Streaming Live on Instagram: Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

On the 27th of October 2023, UI GreenMetric hosted an Instagram Live Discussion centered on "Campus Water-Wise: Paving the Path to Sustainability." The forum featured three exceptional speakers; Rafael Córdova Uvidia, M.Eng, who serves as Research Assistant - Office of the Vice-rector Research at ESPOCH, Ir. Sentagi Sesotya Utami, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU serves as Coordinator of Reputation of Universitas Gadjah Mada, and Gisely Vionalita, SKM, M.Sc, serves as Lecturer at Universitas Esa Unggul. During the discussion, Rafael emphasized the importance of environmental sustainability. He highlighted how water scarcity impacts not only the environment but also people, engineering, IT, and all professional roles worldwide. Water shortage can have a ripple effect on various aspects of our lives. While Ir. Sentagi emphasized the importance of water conservation on campus and the need to have a monitoring system in place. The focus was on the application of the program across the entire university community. It was highlighted that the success of the program depends not only on the use of technology but also on the policies and practices that are followed by all. By ensuring adherence to the policies and practices, the university can achieve efficient and effective water conservation on campus. Furthermore, Gisely focused on the importance of sustainability as a shared commitment among all university stakeholders, including lecturers, students, and staff. According to her, achieving sustainable development is contingent upon acquiring knowledge and awareness, which can be accomplished through collective effort. In this regard, universities play a critical role in promoting and advancing sustainability education within higher education. By establishing a culture of commitment and awareness, we can work together towards a sustainable future. Together, we have the power to create a sustainable future. Let's unite and take action towards a better tomorrow. Streaming Live on Instagram: Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

Building on the success of this year's national workshop on UI GreenMetric for Pakistani universities, UI GreenMetric has expanded collaboration with The Higher Education Commission (HEC), a statutory body established by the Government of Pakistan. This partnership included a workshop held on October 16th, 2023 This collaborative workshop, aligning with the "Green Youth Movement," took place on October 26th, 2023, drawing participants from diverse universities across the country. The event commenced with a presentation by Mr. Irfan Ullah, Director and Project Director of the Green Youth Movement. His insightful presentation delved into the Green Youth Movement project, emphasizing the recommendation for all Pakistani universities to participate in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. Mr. Ullah pledged support and sponsorship for universities to implement green projects on their campuses, fostering engagement in social activities related to the environment. With a 36-month vision, the aim is for universities to address environmental issues at the campus level, potentially aligning with UI GreenMetric's six indicators. Presentation of Mr. Irfan Ullah 5 Thematic Areas of Green Youth Movement Following Mr. Irfan Ullah's presentation, the agenda continued with opening remarks from the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. She expressed gratitude for the collaboration with the Higher Education Commission Pakistan and their support for all universities participating in the rankings. She highlighted the timeline for UI GreenMetric data submission and outlined activities scheduled throughout the year 2023, expressing hope for increased data submissions from Pakistani universities as a result of the workshop. Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. The next speaker, Prof. Ir. Gunawan Tjahjono, M.Arch., Ph.D., an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric, provided an in-depth exploration of UI GreenMetric, covering its definition, history, vision and mission, network, and a detailed explanation of the six criteria. Additionally, he offered a quick tutorial on how to submit data. Prof. Ir. Gunawan Tjahjono, M.Arch., Ph.D., an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric The workshop concluded with a lively question and answer session involving enthusiastic participants. The hope is that this workshop serves as a source of enlightenment for universities, raising awareness of current environmental challenges and inspiring more institutions to actively participate in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.

The inaugural National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Philippine Universities, a milestone event, unfolded on October 26th, 2023, with Batangas State University proudly playing host. Attended virtually by an impressive assembly of approximately 300 participants from various Philippine universities, this symposium featured a diverse array of speakers representing esteemed institutions across the country. The proceedings commenced with an eloquent opening by Moderator Vanessah Castillo, Assistant Director at Batangas State University. Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, President of Batangas State University, followed suit with opening remarks, underscoring the workshop's significance in raising awareness about environmental issues among Philippine universities. He expressed deep honor in hosting the inaugural UI GreenMetric workshop, emphasizing the pivotal role of universities in contributing to sustainable development. Moderator, Vanessah Castillo President of Batangas State University, Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., added her perspective in the opening remarks, expressing hope that the workshop would inspire Philippine universities to actively pursue sustainability on their campuses, as reflected in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. The keynote address was delivered by the honorable Beverley Rose A. Dimacuha, the Mayor of Batangas City, who underscored the critical importance of sustainable development goals, environmental protection, and social-economic security. Mayor Dimacuha highlighted the collaborative efforts between universities and cities in achieving sustainability. Mayor of Batangas City, Mayor Beverley Rose A. Dimancuha The next agenda, Architect Alvin R. Delavega from Tarlac Agricultural University took the stage as the first speaker, sharing his university's best practices in achieving sustainable settings and infrastructures based on UI GreenMetric indicators. Subsequently, Mr. Bobby Eclarin, Chief of Knowledge Management Unit at Mariano Marcos State University, provided a comprehensive overview of his campus's initiatives in addressing energy and climate change issues. Architect Alvin R. Delavega from Tarlac Agricultural University Mr. Bobby Eclarin, Chief of Knowledge Management Unit at Mariano Marcos State University The agenda seamlessly transitioned to a presentation by Engr. Beverly M. Bas, the Campus Development Director from Manila Central University, focusing on waste management best practices. Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric, delved into the essence of UI GreenMetric, covering its definition, vision, mission, methodology, network, and a tutorial on data submission for rankings. Engr. Beverly M. Bas, the Campus Development Director from Manila Central University Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, S.T., M.T., M.Sc., an Expert Member of UI GreenMetric Engr. Lovely Cantos Annonuevo, Head of the Environmental Management Unit at Batangas State University, shared insights on water management best practices based on UI GreenMetric's water indicators. Mr. Reodel Masilungan, the Environment and Sustainability Activities Coordinator at De La Salle University, elaborated on transportation management best practices at his institution. Engr. Lovely Cantos Annonuevo, Head of the Environmental Management Unit at Batangas State University Mr. Reodel Masilungan, the Environment and Sustainability Activities Coordinator at De La Salle University The agenda progressed to the realm of Education and Research, with presentations from Vaberlie P. Mandane-Garcia, PhD, the Sustainable Development Officer at Batangas State University, and John Kevin de Castro, Associate Dean for Program Development and Quality Assurance at Batangas State University. Their presentations delved into the universities' best practices in managing education and research, including teaching methodologies aligned with sustainable development goals. Vaberlie P. Mandane-Garcia, PhD, the Sustainable Development Officer at Batangas State University John Kevin de Castro, Associate Dean for Program Development and Quality Assurance at Batangas State University The presentation session culminated in an open forum for questions and answers, fostering lively discussions among participants, including experts and academics, and government representatives. This collective engagement not only deepened shared knowledge but also instilled a profound sense of responsibility and commitment to address the pressing challenges of our time. The workshop aimed to serve as a catalyst for Philippine universities, reminding them of their crucial role in contributing to the success of sustainable development goals through active participation in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings.

Pada 10 Oktober 2023, UI GreenMetric telah menyelenggarakan Lokakarya Nasional UI GreenCityMetric untuk Kota/Kabupaten di Indonesia di Kota Tual, Maluku. Acara ini bertemakan "Inovasi, Dampak, dan Masa Depan Kota Berkelanjutan" yang bertujuan untuk menjadi inisiatif perintis bagi pemerintah daerah dalam menangani isu-isu keberlanjutan di tingkat Kabupaten/Kota. Acara ini menyediakan platform untuk berdiskusi dan bertukar pikiran mengenai pembangunan kota yang berkelanjutan, dengan fokus pada inovasi dan dampaknya terhadap masa depan kota, yang dihadiri oleh para ahli di bidang keberlanjutan, pembuat kebijakan, akademisi, dan profesional industri untuk mendiskusikan dan mempromosikan praktik- praktik berkelanjutan di perkotaan. Acara dibuka oleh Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. selaku Ketua UI GreenMetric dengan harapan UI GreenCityMetric dapat menjadi alat untuk memberdayakan kota-kota di Indonesia agar menjadi lebih kuat, lebih hijau, dan lebih berkelanjutan. Presentasi dari Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., Ketua UI GreenMetric Dalam kegiatan ini, Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., yang menjabat sebagai Wakil Ketua Bidang Program, Komunikasi, dan Kemitraan UI GreenMetric, berkesempatan untuk memberikan gambaran umum mengenai UI GreenMetric dan UI GreenCityMetric. Beliau juga menjelaskan tujuan, visi, misi, metodologi, kuesioner, dan aksi kolektif dari UI GreenMetric menuju keberlanjutan. Dr. Junaidi juga menekankan urgensi dari peran serta UI GreenCityMetric untuk mengembangkan kota berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Wakil Ketua Bidang Program, Komunikasi, dan Kemitraan UI GreenMetric Pemaparan Materi oleh Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. Kemudian, sesi berikutnya dibuka dengan pembahasan rinci mengenai pengelolaan limbah yang dipimpin oleh Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd., Walikota Madiun. Dalam diskusi tersebut, beliau menjelaskan beberapa contoh permasalahan lingkungan yang dapat timbul akibat limbah di kotanya, penyebab utama, dan solusi yang dapat dilakukan. Masalah-masalah yang disoroti dalam diskusi tersebut antara lain banjir, pembuangan sampah yang tidak benar, dan air yang terkontaminasi. Menanggapi isu-isu tersebut, beberapa solusi juga telah diusulkan, seperti membangun tempat pengolahan limbah, menginisiasi bank sampah, memanfaatkan gas metana, menanam lebih banyak pohon, meningkatkan sanitasi rumah tangga, mengembangkan ruang terbuka hijau, dan mempromosikan kegiatan ramah lingkungan lainnya. Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd., Walikota Madiun Pemaparan Materi oleh Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd. Acara dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan dari Walikota Semarang, Ir. Hj. Dra. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos, yang diwakili oleh Bapak Budi Prakosa, Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Semarang. Dalam pemaparan materinya, Bapak Budi menyinggung beberapa topik yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan tata ruang dan pengelolaan infrastruktur. Beliau menyoroti inovasi dalam perencanaan tata ruang dan peran Kota Semarang dalam pemeringkatan UI GreenCityMetric. Selain itu, beliau juga menguraikan beberapa solusi lingkungan yang telah diterapkan di Kota Semarang, termasuk urban farming, pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau, pengembangan ekowisata, pengembangan kendaraan listrik, dan instalasi panel surya atap. Budi Prakosa, Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Semarang Pemaparan Materi oleh Budi Prakosa Pembicara selajutnya yang hadir pada sesi ini adalah Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E., yang merupakan Walikota Kediri. Dalam pembicaraannya, beliau berfokus pada topik manajemen akses dan mobilitas di dalam kota. Pada diskusi yang telah dilakukan kemarin, beliau merinci protokol dan kebijakan manajemen akses yang diuraikan dalam rencana induk transportasi Kota Kediri. Kebijakan-kebijakan ini mencakup rencana untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan keamanan transportasi perkotaan, mengembangkan sistem transportasi perkotaan yang terintegrasi, membangun jaringan infrastruktur transportasi perkotaan, mengimplementasikan sistem transportasi perkotaan berbasis IT 4.0, dan mengoptimalkan kinerja lalu lintas. Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E., Walikota Kediri Pemaparan Materi oleh Abdullah Abu Bakar, Walikota Kediri. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga menghadirkan Bapak Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si. yang menjabat sebagai Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Blitar. Beliau menjelaskan mengenai manajemen energi, dengan penekanan khusus pada implementasi energi terbarukan, dan perubahan iklim di Kota Blitar. Setelah presentasi dari Bapak Tri, agenda dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi oleh Bapak Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., Kepala Dinas Perumahan Rakyat, Kawasan Pemukiman dan Lingkungan Hidup, Kota Pariaman, memulai diskusi dengan membahas mengenai pengelolaan air di kota tersebut. Beliau juga menyampaikan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air, mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber pencemaran air, dan mengembangkan rencana induk pengelolaan air. Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si., Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Blitar (kiri) dan Bapak Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., Kepala Dinas Perumahan Rakyat, Kawasan Pemukiman dan Lingkungan Hidup, Kota Pariaman (kanan) Pemaparan Materi oleh Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si., Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Blitar Pemaparan Materi oleh Bapak Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., Kepala Dinas Perumahan Rakyat, Kawasan Pemukiman dan Lingkungan Hidup, Kota Pariaman Pembicara selanjutnya yang hadir dalam diskusi ini adalah Ibu Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si. Beliau adalah Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Kota Surabaya. Dalam diskusi tersebut, Ibu Kusumawati berfokus pada manajemen kepegawaian di daerah Kota Surabaya dan menekankan pada aplikasi praktis dan manfaat yang diberikan kepada kota. Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si., Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Kota Surabaya. Pemaparan Materi oleh Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si., Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan Kota Surabaya. Dengan kegiatan lokakarya ini, kami berharap visi misi UI GreenCityMetric dalam memajukan pembangunan berkelanjutan dapat menjangkau Kota dan Kabupaten di seluruh Indonesia. Bersama, kita bisa ciptakan masa depan yang lebih hijau, lebih sehat, dan lebih berkelanjutan untuk negeri kita yang indah ini! Streaming Live on UI GreenMetric Youtube Channel: Ditulis oleh Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

On October 16, 2023, UI GreenMetric in collaboration with Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology (KFUEIT) hosted the National Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings for Universities in Pakistan. The workshop aimed to empower green leaders in Pakistani universities and promote sustainable pathways. The presenting speakers included Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., the Vice Chair of UI GreenMetric, Prof. Dr. M. Suleman Tahir, the Vice Chancellor of Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology, and Dr. Muhammad Bilal Tahir, the Director of Quality Enhancement Cell at Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology. In his address, Professor Doctor M. Suleman Tahir, the Vice Chancellor of KFUEIT, emphasized the importance of altering behavior and action, particularly towards the younger generation, by developing innovative solutions and technologies that support a low-carbon future and sustainability. He stressed that the responsibility for fostering a good quality environment and conducting research on sustainability rests with us. The professor also highlighted the criteria used by UI GreenMetric, which are generally considered important by universities concerned with sustainability. These criteria include Setting and Infrastructure (SI), Energy and Climate Change (EC), Waste (WS), Water (WR), Transportation (TR), and Education and Research (ED). He emphasized the significance of these six criteria in implementing an environmentally friendly future. Professor Doctor M. Suleman Tahir, the Vice Chancellor of KFUEIT The following presentation was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., who serves as the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric. During her presentation, she discussed the UI GreenMetric program and its mission to assist universities worldwide in implementing environmentally friendly and sustainable practices. She highlighted that UI GreenMetric is a platform for university leaders to develop eco-friendly policies and manage the behavioral change of their academic communities. Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric Presentation by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. During a recent presentation, Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair for the Program, Communication, and Partnership of UI GreenMetric, provided a comprehensive overview of the UI GreenMetric and UI Green City Metric. The presentation covered the purpose, vision, mission, methodology, questionnaire, and collective action of UI GreenMetric towards sustainability. Dr. Junaidi emphasized the urgency of adopting UI GreenMetric to promote sustainability in universities worldwide. The presentation highlighted the critical role of UI GreenMetric in advancing sustainable practices in the academic setting. Dr. Junaidi's insights into the methodology and questionnaire of UI GreenMetric provided valuable information on how universities can assess their sustainability initiatives and improve their performance. The collective action approach of UI GreenMetric towards sustainability was also discussed, emphasizing the need for universities to collaborate and work together to address global sustainability challenges. Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair for the Program, Communication, and Partnership of UI GreenMetric Presentation by Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. The UI GreenMetric initiative offers a promising avenue for building partnerships with universities to achieve a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. This meeting presents an opportunity to broaden our perspective on the various sustainable pathways that can be pursued in the future. By embracing these pathways, we can work towards realizing a greener and more sustainable future. Streaming Live: Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

The National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Universities in Türkiye, a prestigious event proudly hosted by Hasan Kalyoncu University, unfolded its enlightening chapters on October 5-6, 2023. Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, S.T., M.T., M.Si., an esteemed Expert Member of UI GreenMetric hailing from Indonesia, participated in the occasion with a compelling in-person presentation. Speakers’ Group Photo To set the tone for the participants' arrival, Prof. Türkay Dereli, the esteemed Rector of Hasan Kalyoncu University, opened the proceedings with welcoming remarks, complemented by the valuable insights of Dr. Ruki Harwahyu, the Expert Member of UI GreenMetric. Prof. Türkay Dereli (left) and Dr. Ruki Harwahyu (right) The workshop, divided into four sessions, began with Session 1, where Dr. Ruki Harwahyu led the way. He provided a comprehensive introduction to UI GreenMetric, covering its vision, mission, and ranking criteria, and concluded with a tutorial on how universities can submit their data. Dr. Ruki Harwahyu The presentation then passed to Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Yıldırım, the UI GreenMetric National Coordinator for Türkiye, who explained comprehensively about the current state of UI GreenMetric's national network in Türkiye. Before the onward to subsequent sessions, the workshop witnessed the signing of the declaration form, marking the official inclusion of two new members into the UI GreenMetric member: Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University and Batman University. Signing the Declaration Form Session 2, titled "Good Practices in Türkiye in UI GreenMetric Studies," unfolded with presentations from various universities, as follows: Assoc. Dr. Börte Köse MUTLU, Sustainability Office Coordinator of Istanbul Technical University (Sustainability Studies in Universities: The Example of Istanbul Technical University) Melike YAZMAN, Sustainability Coordination Office Representative of Erciyes University (Erciyes University Sustainability Activities) Fatma Zehra Şükür, Environmental Engineer of Yıldız Technical University (The Role of Universities in the Climate Action Vertical and YTU Practices) The workshop proceeded to Session 3, retaining the same theme from the previous session, which presented several speakers as follows: Dr. Sıdıka Tuğçe DAĞLIOĞLU, UI GreenMetric Campus Coordination Representative of Ege University (Ege University UI Greenmetric Studies) Assoc. Dr. Hatice Eser ÖKTEN, International Relations Office Manager of Izmir High Technology University (UI GreenMetric Journey of Izmir High Technology University) Prof. Dr. F. Duygu Özel Demiralp, Foreign Affairs Coordinator of Dokuz Eylül University (Dokuz Eylül University Sustainability Studies) The grand finale unfolded in Session 4, a thematic exploration around three of the six UI GreenMetric criteria. The stage hosted various speakers as follows: Dr. Lecturer Member Şafak HENGİRMEN TERCAN, Environmental Asst. Eng. Erkan BAŞARAN, UI GreenMetric Campus Coordinator of Hasan Kalyoncu University (Is it Possible to Become a Zero Carbon Campus in Energy?) Prof. Dr. Zeynep ZAİMOĞLU Faculty of Environmental Engineering Department of Environmental Engineering of Cukurova University (Biodiversity, Planting and Water Management on Campuses) Dr. Lecturer Member Derya ÖZÇALIŞKAN, Quality Development Coordinator of Gaziantep University (Gaziantep University Waste Management Applications) As the workshop drew to a close, Prof. Türkay Dereli shared his closing remarks, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari addressed the participants virtually. The day's highlight included a visit to the campus solar power plant, featuring an impressive 2.3 MW installed power capacity, followed by a Gala Dinner. During the dinner, Ege University proudly announced its role as the host for the upcoming UI GreenMetric National Workshop in Türkiye, marking an exciting conclusion to the event. The workshop, filled with enthusiasm and curiosity, not only showcased the knowledge of the speakers but also highlighted the unwavering commitment of the participants to the shared goal of building sustainable universities for the global community. From this intellectual gathering, a sincere hope arises—that the involvement and network of Turkish universities in the esteemed UI GreenMetric Rankings will grow and thrive, nurturing a legacy of sustainable academic excellence. Gallery:

The 4th National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Ecuadorian Universities, held on Thursday, September 21, 2023, at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), marked a significant step forward. This collaborative endeavor generated remarkable enthusiasm among numerous universities in Ecuador. The workshop commenced with warm and inspiring remarks delivered by key figures: Dr. Diego Quiroga, Rector of USFQ, Dr. Andrea Encalada, Vice-Rector of USFQ, H.E. Agung Kurniadi, the Indonesian Ambassador to Quito, Ecuador, and Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., Chairperson of UI GreenMetric. Opening Remarks by Dr. Diego Quiroga Opening Remarks by H.E. Agung Kurniadi Opening Remarks by Dr. Andrea Encalada Opening Remarks by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc. Participants of the Workshop Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., subsequently delivered a comprehensive presentation, emphasized the fundamentals of UI GreenMetric, charting the progress of Ecuadorian university participants in UI GreenMetric Rankings, detailing questionnaire updates, and outlining the data submission process UI GreenMetric Presentation by Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. The workshop also showcased parallel sessions that featured enlightening accounts of experiences with Sustainability Reporting Systems in Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions, presented by Maria Jose Ayala, Sofia Lopez, Rafael Cordova, and Leonardo Izquierdo. As the event drew to a close, an engaging open discussion emerged, centered on the promotion of a network of sustainable campuses in Ecuador. During the event, USFQ addressed crucial topics for IES sustainability leaders and experts in our country. Their primary goal was to learn to use the UI GreenMetric sustainability reporting tool to optimize operations in key areas such as administration, academic curriculum, research, and connectivity. And, of course, they began laying the foundation for a sustainable IES network in Ecuador. Presentation from Ecuadorian Higher Education Institutions Concluding the workshop, the honor of hosting the 5th National Workshop on UI GreenMetric for Ecuadorian Universities was bestowed upon Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi. Representative of Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi Throughout the workshop, participants who were both passionate and actively engaged, including experts and scholars from diverse universities lent their unique perspectives and diverse backgrounds to elevate the discourse on campus infrastructure and environmental concerns. Their collective involvement not only enriched the knowledge exchange but also cultivated a deep sense of duty and commitment to addressing the urgent challenges of our era. Undoubtedly, the workshop ignited a shared determination to advance sustainability initiatives in both campus infrastructure and environmental practices. Gallery: hosted by Universidad San Francisco de Quito

UI GreenMetric organized the UI GreenCityMetric National Workshop 2023, on October 10, 2023. The event centered on the theme "Innovation, Impact, and the Future of Sustainable Cities." The workshop aimed to emerge as a pioneering initiative for local governments in addressing sustainability issues at the Regency/City level. The event provided a platform to discuss and exchange ideas on sustainable urban development, with a focus on innovation and its impact on the future of cities. The workshop brought together experts in the field of sustainability, policymakers, academics, and industry professionals to discuss and promote sustainable practices in cities. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric. She expressed desire was that the UI GreenCityMetric would serve as a tool to empower all Indonesian cities to become stronger, greener, and more sustainable. Presentation from Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., the Chairperson of UI GreenMetric During the main session, the first keynote speaker, Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., who holds the position of Vice-Chair for the Program, Communication, and Partnership of UI GreenMetric, provided an overview of UI GreenMetric and UI GreenCityMetric. He explained the purpose, vision, mission, methodology, questionnaire, and collective action of UI GreenMetric towards sustainability. Dr. Junaidi also emphasized the urgency of adopting the UI GreenCityMetric to develop sustainable cities in Indonesia. Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., Vice-Chair for the Program, Communication, and Partnership of UI GreenMetric Presentation from Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A. The subsequent session opened with a detailed discourse on waste and waste treatment, led by Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd., who is the Mayor of Madiun. During the discussion, he elucidated some instances of environmental issues that can arise due to waste in his city, their underlying causes, and possible solutions. The problems highlighted in the discussion include flooding, improper garbage disposal, contaminated water, and monkeys whose natural behavior generates various forms of waste. In response to these issues, several solutions were proposed, such as establishing garbage processing sites, initiating waste banks, utilizing methane gas, planting more trees, enhancing household sanitation, developing green open spaces, and promoting other eco-friendly activities. Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd., the Mayor of Madiun Presentation from Dr. H. Maidi, S.H., M.M., M.Pd. The upcoming speaker is the Mayor of Semarang, Ir. Hj. Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, M.Sos., who is being represented by Budi Prakosa, the Head of Semarang City Development Planning Agency. During the discussion, Mr. Prakosa touched upon several topics related to spatial planning and infrastructure management. He highlighted the innovation in spatial planning and the role of City of Semarang City in the UI GreenCityMetric rankings. Moreover, he outlined some of the environmental solutions that have been implemented in City of Semarang, which include urban farming, green open space development, ecotourism development, electric vehicle development, and rooftop solar panel installation. Mr. Budi Prakosa, the Head of the City of Semarang Development Planning Agency Presentation from Mr. Budi Prakosa The upcoming speaker of this session is Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E., who holds the position of Mayor of Kediri. During his talk, he will be focusing on the topic of Access and Mobility Management within the city. Mr. Bakar will detail the access management protocols and policies outlined in Kediri City's transportation master plan. These policies include plans to enhance urban transportation safety and security, develop integrated urban transportation systems, establish urban transportation infrastructure networks, implement IT-based urban transportation systems 4.0, and optimize traffic performance. Mr. Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E., Mayor of Kediri Presentation from Mr. Abdullah Abu Bakar, S.E., Mayor of Kediri. The upcoming speaker is Drs. Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si., serves as the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency of Blitar City. During the discussion, Drs. Tri Iman Prasetyono focused on Energy Management, with a particular emphasis on the implementation of renewable energy, and Climate Change in City of Blitar. Following Drs. Tri Iman Prasetyono's presentation, Mr. Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., the Head of Public Housing Office, Area. Settlement and Environment, City of Pariaman, began the discussion by addressing water management in the city. He also elaborated on the efforts that can be taken to enhance water quality, identify sources of water pollution, and develop a water management master plan. Overall, Mr. Andri's insights were informative and thought-provoking, providing valuable perspectives on water management and conservation. Representative of Drs. Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si., the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency of City of Blitar (middle) and Representative of Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., the Head of Public Housing Office, Area. Settlement and Environment of City of Pariaman (right) Presentation from Drs. Tri Iman Prasetyono, M.Si., serves as the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency of City of Blitar Presentation from Feri Andri, S.T., M.T., the Head of Public Housing Office, Area. Settlement and Environment of City of Pariaman The upcoming speaker for this discussion is Mrs. Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si. She is the Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency in City of Surabaya. During the discussion, Mrs. Kusumawati shifted the focus toward Civil Service Management, emphasizing its practical application and the benefits it brings to the city. Mrs. Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency in City of Surabaya Presentation from Mrs. Febrina Kusumawati S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research, and Development Agency in City of Surabaya We aim to widen the reach of the UI GreenCityMetric program to encompass cities and regencies throughout Indonesia. Together, we can build a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for our beautiful country. Written by: Nadhira Rahmani Zulkarnain & Yovita Yiwananda Yamin S.Hum., M.Si

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