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Building a Greener Tomorrow: Highlights from the 4th National Sustainability Leaders Meeting at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
On October 9, 2024, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta, in collaboration with UI GreenMetric, hosted the National Seminar "Empowering University Leaders Through Sustainable Green Campus" as part of the 4th National Sustainability Leaders Meeting. This event underscores UPN Veteran Yogyakarta's commitment to becoming a leader in sustainability within higher education, particularly in campus greening and environmental education. The seminar, held in a hybrid format, featured international speakers and facilitated discussions on best practices for developing sustainability offices in Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Irhas Effendi, M.Si., the Rector of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, emphasized the university's ongoing efforts since 2016 to enhance sustainability across various sectors, in line with rector's regulations on green campus management. He noted that these initiatives aim not only to improve university rankings but also to foster awareness about the importance of a sustainable environment. Prof. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., M.Sc., Chairperson of UI GreenMetric, highlighted the pivotal role of university leaders in driving sustainability at both national and global levels. Her insights were echoed by Prof. Dr. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., the National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric, who stressed that leadership at all levels is crucial for the success of sustainability initiatives. Dr. Johan Danu Prasetya, S.Kel., M.Si., the Coordinator of UI GreenMetric at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, explained the seminar's theme, "Waste to Energy," which focuses on sustainable waste management strategies. He showcased initiatives already implemented at UPN, such as eco enzyme production, aimed at environmental preservation. A panel discussion on the roles, issues, and challenges faced by sustainability offices in universities included insights from Dr. Teguh Husodo, M.Si. from Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr.Eng. Heriansyah Putra, S.Pd., M.Eng from IPB, and Suci Wulan Pawhestri, S.Si., M.Si. from UIN Raden Intan Lampung. They explored the integration of sustainability into campus operations and discussed strategies for overcoming environmental challenges in academic settings. Prof. Ir. IDAA Warmadewanthi from ITS presented on solid waste treatment and management, emphasizing innovative technologies and the importance of effective systems to foster eco-friendly academic environments. International speaker Dr. Maria Kirrane from University College Cork shared insights into the role of the Sustainability Office in promoting eco-friendly practices, managing waste, and advancing sustainable development on campus. Additionally, the seminar featured a demonstration on eco-enzymes led by Azizah Ridha Ulilalbab, S.P. M.Si., which illustrated the practical applications of eco-enzymes in waste management and sustainability. Following this, Agus Bambang Irawan, S.Si., M.Sc., presented on compost management and Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF), while Dr. Ir. Joko Soesilo, MT, IPM, provided an overview of the Integrated Laboratory, highlighting the significance of scientific research in supporting sustainability efforts. The event continued with a field trip on the 2nd day, offering participants opportunities to explore practical applications of sustainability, including a visit to a melon farm where attendees could pick melons and learn about sustainable agricultural practices. Participants also had the chance to purchase orchids, promoting biodiversity and sustainable plant cultivation. A demonstration of compost processing showcased effective techniques for turning organic waste into valuable compost, and a small exhibition allowed local businesses and initiatives focused on sustainability to display their products and practices, encouraging networking and collaboration.   This seminar aims to promote collaboration and develop concrete solutions for addressing future environmental challenges. By uniting university leaders and sustainability experts, it creates a platform for sharing knowledge and best practices. Participants will engage in meaningful discussions to develop actionable strategies tailored to the needs of Indonesian institutions. Ultimately, the insights gained will enhance sustainability efforts and contribute to a broader movement for environmental stewardship, equipping future generations to tackle pressing ecological issues.   Galleries The 4th National Sustainability Leaders Meeting: Written by Salsabila R. Rahmarizi – Communication Intern Editor: Riska P. Hariyadi

Strengthening Sustainable Campus Efforts: Insights from UI GreenMetric's IG Live on 'Biodiversity Matters: Cultivating Awareness and Action Together
On June 4th, 2024, a discussion on efforts to implement sustainable campuses continued. Using the interactive medium of Instagram, UI GreenMetric presented the theme "Biodiversity Matters: Cultivating Awareness and Action Together" for its IG Live discussion. This event was a collaboration between Universitas Samudra and UIN Maliki Malang, featuring expert speakers to discuss actions we can take to conserve biodiversity. The invited speakers included Wendy Achmmad Mustaqim, S.Si., M.Si. , an Assistant Professor in the Biology Program at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Universitas Samudra; Dr. Aulia Fikriarini Muchlis, S.T., M.T., Head of Green Metric at UIN Maliki Malang; and Tresa Variyani Zen, a Conservation Science Specialist at the WCS Indonesia Program. The discussion aimed to increase societal awareness of biodiversity and conservation. One of the indicators we used to assess the criteria for the Setting & Infrastructure of Sustainable Campus Implementation, according to the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings. The event began with a contextual overview of biodiversity and its functions on our planet, followed by a deeper exploration of conservation beyond its basic definition. Wendy Achmmad Mustaqim, S.Si., M.Si. shared extensive insights on biodiversity conservation, reshaping the audience's understanding by emphasizing that culture is an integral part of biodiversity. He stressed the need to integrate local wisdom into conservation efforts, highlighting that communities often have sustainable practices rooted in their knowledge of the local environment. He advocated the importance of considering natural vegetation before developing conservation projects to ensure the effectiveness of biodiversity efforts. Dr. Aulia Fikriarini Muchlis, S.T., M.T., provided valuable insights based on UIN Maliki Malang's best practices. She highlighted several conservation projects that involve student participation, such as the Maliki Biodiversity Forest, which exemplifies collaboration between the university and local government. She also emphasized the importance of engaging non-traditional partners, beyond government and fellow universities, to foster more successful conservation approaches. Lastly, Tresa Variyani Zen from the Wildlife Conservation Society emphasized that while we all have connections to nature, the fast pace of modern life often leads to disconnection and harmful behaviors. The idea of conservation began when we re-connect our connection with nature. Providing insights of the programs implemented by WCS.,Tresa stressed out the importance of facilitating opportunities for young people to contribute their creative solutions. To address this issue, education is essential, and by engaging the younger generation, we can cultivate innovative approaches that promote a more sustainable future. We are committed to fostering discussions that promote the international implementation of sustainable campuses. Engage with us for our future IG Live Discussion by following us on our social media channels. Written by Riska P. Hariyadi

Universitas Tanjungpura Inspires Sustainability Talks at the UI GreenMetric National Workshop 2024
On September 24-26, 2024, the UI GreenMetric National Workshop was held in the heart of Pontianak, West Kalimantan Province, hosted by Universitas Tanjungpura. This event highlighted the university's commitment to implementing a Green Campus, with the theme "Instituting UI GreenMetric: The Way Forward." Participants from across Indonesia gathered to foster collaboration on how to incorporate sustainability implementation into their campuses. The first day began with the National Coordinators Meeting of UI GWURN, formally opened by Prof. Garuda Wiko, SH., M.Si., Rector of Universitas Tanjungpura. The rector warmly welcomed participants to Pontianak, expressing hopes for an enriching learning experience throughout the workshop. This was followed by opening remarks from Dr. Junaidi, S.S., M.A., who also expressed gratitude for the warm welcome received from Universitas Tanjungpura as the host. On the first day, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambariyanto, M.Sc., National Coordinator of UI GreenMetric Indonesia, explored the developments within the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking Network (UI GWURN). He provided updates on program implementation for 2024 and shared insights on the background of UI GreenMetric 2024. The discussion deepened during a Q&A session facilitated by Dr. Junaidi and Prof. Ambariyanto, where participants posed questions and the hosts for the 2025 programs were appointed. The hosts for next year’s events in 2025 are as follows: • National Workshop UI GreenMetric 2025: UIN Raden Fatah Palembang • Workshop UI GreenMetric 2025 for Central Part of Indonesia: Universitas Pendidikan Nasional Denpasar • Workshop UI GreenMetric 2025 for Islamic Universities: UIN Malang • Workshop on Scientific Writing: Universitas Diponegoro • National Sustainability Leaders Meeting 2025: Institut Teknologi Kalimantan • National Student Leaders on Sustainability Meeting 2025: Universitas Airlangga • Energy and Climate Change Team: Universitas Pancasila After the discussion, participants were invited to explore UNTAN Eco Green Campus, experience the rich culture of Pontianak, and witness performances from talented students of Universitas Tanjungpura, including traditional dances and the UNTAN GOT TALENT showcase. The first day concluded with enriching discussions and the warm hospitality of UNTAN. The second day provided further enriching sessions aimed at enhancing participants' understanding of UI GreenMetric, offering practical approaches through best practices implemented at various universities. The day opened with remarks from Prof. Garuda Wiko, SH., M.Si., followed by an overview of the UI GreenMetric program for 2024 presented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari, M.M., MSc., Chairman of UI GreenMetric. Dr. Nyoman Suwartha, S.T, M.T, M.Ag, Vice Chair of UI GreenMetric, delivered a comprehensive presentation on UI GreenMetric and UI GWURN, including indicators and questionnaires, followed by a Q&A session. The first session concluded with the signing of a declaration of membership, marking a momentous commitment from six universities to participate in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings and Network. This event symbolizes their collective dedication to transforming higher education institutions into leaders in the pursuit of a sustainable future. The seven universities listed for membership are: 1. Universitas Panca Bhakti 2. Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut 3. Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya 4. Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta 5. Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang 6. Politeknik Negeri Ketapang   After the first session, the workshop continued with sessions two and three, divided into different rooms to allow participants to choose presentations that piqued their interest. Discussions were led by various speakers, including: • Prof. Dewi A. Padmo Putri, M.A., Ph.D., Universitas Terbuka • Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Fatah Sulaiman, ST., MT., Rector, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa • Prof. Dr. Eti Indarti, M.Sc, Universitas Syiah Kuala • Dr. Eng. Abdul Rahman, Divisi Setting Infrastructure Tim UIGM Universitas Hasanuddin • Yackob Astor, ST. MT., Ketua Pusat Penelitian dan PKM Politeknik Negeri Bandung • Prof. Dr. H. Masnun Tahir, M.Ag., Rector, Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram • Prof. Dr. Garuda Wiko, S.H., M.Si., Rector, Universitas Tanjungpura • Prof. Dr. Markus Diantoro, M.Si., Universitas Negeri Malang • Uuf Brajawidagda, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., Politeknik Negeri Batam • Abdul Khalim, BINUS University • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Agus Rubiyanto, M.Eng.Sc., Direktur, Institut Teknologi Kalimantan They explored topics centered on UI GreenMetric criteria, sharing best practices from their campuses, and promoting the exchange of knowledge to encourage the implementation of sustainability practices among participants. To conclude the productive discussions on the second day, Universitas Tanjungpura offered a campus tour, allowing participants to learn more about RUSUNAWA and its sustainability initiatives, followed by a delightful offering of traditional delicacies. The final day of the workshop provided participants with an excellent experience, starting with a tree-planting event at the Edu Creative Hub of Universitas Tanjungpura, showcasing the spirit of a green campus and emphasizing the importance of green spaces. Participants also explored the Walking Area Hijau Kota Pontianak: Arboretum Sylva, a forest maintained by Universitas Tanjungpura in the heart of the city, and visited the Jogging Track Digulis, providing a vibrant view of the lively atmosphere in Pontianak. The event concluded with a final meal provided by UNTAN and a city tour that highlighted beautiful landmarks in Pontianak, such as Masjid Mujahiddin and Rumah Radakng. This event was fruitful in fostering collaboration and enriching discussions on the implementation of sustainability practices that integrate operational aspects across Indonesian campuses. We look forward to continuing these discussions to enhance norms and awareness of sustainability practices in universities at both national and international levels. The conversation will continue as Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang hosts the UI GreenMetric National Workshop in 2025. For those interested in joining the conversation and learning about future events, please visit this page. Written by Riska P. Hariyadi

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