Semarang State University (UNNES) is a conservation-oriented university. UNNES's vision is to become a Conservation Insight University with International Reputation. With a conservation perspective, it means a perspective and behavioral attitude that is oriented to the principle of conservation (preservation, maintenance, care, preservation, and development) of natural resources and socio-cultural values. This principle is the basis for the tri dharma activities of higher education. International reputation means a university that has a good image and reputation in international relations and becomes a reference in the tridharma activities of higher education at the international level. Home of Knowledge. As an educational institution, UNNES is determined to develop itself into a house of knowledge that develops superior civilizations. With that determination, UNNES maintains its identity as a scientific institution tasked with developing the potential of Indonesian human resources to build the nation's excellence and benefits for humans and humanity. By becoming a house of knowledge, UNNES always uses knowledge as a basis in every activity. Scientific activities are represented in the form of intracurricular and extracurricular activities, academic and non-academic fields. Academically, scientific development activities are carried out in study programs, laboratories, and other activities. As for non-academic, science becomes the basis for university management and policy making. Superior Civilization Developer. As an educational institution, UNNES carries out its national duty to organize education to develop superior civilizations for the benefit of the nation, state and world community. Superior civilization means superior human resources, superior values. To achieve this, UNNES organizes vocational education programs (D3), bachelor (S1), master (S2), doctorate (S3), and professional education programs. There are 85 study programs managed in eight faculties and postgraduate programs.