Ranking by Country 2019 - United Kingdom

Ranking University Country Total Score Setting and Infrastructure Energy and Climate Change Waste Water Transportation Education
1 University of Sussex United Kingdom 8275 1050 1725 1725 1000 1275 1500
2 London Metropolitan University United Kingdom 4350 75 1475 1425 250 550 575
3 Bangor University United Kingdom 8350 1025 1675 1725 425 1700 1800
4 University of Bradford United Kingdom 8250 950 1875 1800 1000 1550 1075
5 University of Oxford United Kingdom 9000 1200 1800 1800 1000 1625 1575
6 University of Nottingham United Kingdom 8750 1250 1525 1800 925 1525 1725
7 Nottingham Trent University United Kingdom 8700 1200 1675 1800 700 1525 1800
8 University of Warwick United Kingdom 8075 1050 1575 1650 575 1575 1650
9 Keele University United Kingdom 8075 1250 1650 1725 650 1300 1500
10 University of Lincoln United Kingdom 7250 750 1450 1425 850 1500 1275
11 Glasgow Caledonian University United Kingdom 7150 75 1650 1800 700 1650 1275
12 Royal Holloway, University of London United Kingdom 6250 675 1125 1275 650 1475 1050
13 Teesside University United Kingdom 6600 275 1850 1425 700 1075 1275